Local Requirements - Residential Space Standards Statement

Types of application or development that require this information

  • All planning applications (including changes of use) creating new dwellings

What information is required?

A Residential Space Standards Statement should set out the residential standards proposed for the development, in accordance with the nationally prescribed space standards. A Residential Space Standards Template has been produced which sets out the information required. It also requires justification to be provided where the proposal would not comply with the minimum Nationally Described Space Standards (NDSS) and/or Building Regulations M4(2) Category 2 ‘Accessible and Adaptable Dwelling’ and M4(3) ‘Wheelchair User Dwellings.

Further information

Policy driver

  • Core Strategy – Policy HO9: Housing Quality
  • Homes and Neighbourhoods: a guide to designing in Bradford SPD – principles 2.17 and 3.2

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