Local Requirements - Parking Plan

Types of application or development that require this information

  • All applications which affect existing parking or servicing arrangements or create a requirement for additional parking or servicing.

What information is required?

Existing and proposed parking provision should be clearly shown on the Site Plan. If no parking is to be provided, this should be stated. 

Where statutory electric vehicle recharging points are required the proposed location of these should also be shown on the site plan. National requirements for EV charging points can be found in National EV charging requirements (PDF)

In some cases, additional EV charging may be required at the rates set out in the West Yorkshire Low Emission Planning Guidance (PDF).

For larger schemes information on the rationale for the approach to car, cycle, disabled and motorcycle provision, car and cycle parking layout plan and servicing plan covering deliveries and refuse should be provided. This information can be combined with a Transport Assessment and/or Travel Plan, where required.

Further information

Policy driver

  • Article 7 of the Town & Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015

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