Local Requirements - Parameter Plans

Types of application or development that require this information

  • Outline applications for residential schemes of 100 units or more (or 3 Hectares or more where the number of units is not specified)
  • Outline applications for retail schemes of 5000 sqm of floorspace or more
  • Outline commercial, Industrial and other schemes of 10,000 sqm of floorspace or more

The Council may sometimes require Parameter Plans for major outline development proposals which don't meet the above criteria but where the scale and complexity of the proposals justify it. Similarly, the Council may sometimes not require parameter plans for schemes which do fulfil the above criteria but which don’t have the range of issues to make them necessary – for example residential schemes of over 100 units accommodated within a single apartment building.   

What information is required?

Parameter Plans set out the design parameters for future reserved matters stages to adhere to. Depending on the scheme and context they could include:

  • green infrastructure/ open spaces
  • movement framework/ access/connections
  • character areas
  • building heights
  • density zones
  • retained features
  • views/landmarks/focal points/building lines etc.
  • land uses

The Parameter Plan, should be supported by the design principles set out in the Design and Access Statement, and be accompanied by an illustrative masterplan layout which demonstrates how the parameters and the quantum of development being applied for can be accommodated on the site in an acceptable manner.

Policy driver

  • National Planning Policy Framework - Chapter 12: Achieving well-designed places
  • Core Strategy - Policy SC9: Making great places
  • Core Strategy - Policy DS1: Achieving good design
  • Core Strategy - Policy DS2: Working with the landscape
  • Core Strategy - Policy DS3: Urban character
  • Core Strategy - Policy DS4: Streets and movement
  • Shipley & Canal Road Corridor DPD – Policy SCRC/NBE6
  • Bradford City Centre Area Action Plan DPD – Policy BF1:
  • Homes and Neighbourhoods Design Guide SPD – Part A (The Design and Access Statement)

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