Local Requirements - Additional requirements for Mineral Working Applications

National requirements

The National Information Requirements - these apply to Minerals Planning Applications.

Local information requirements

In addition to the above, Minerals planning applications must also include the following information.

Nature of deposit

  • The mineral to be extracted.
  • The results of any exploration or prospecting work carried out, for example boreholes or trailpits
  • The nature, thickness and quantities of topsoil, subsoil and overburden (including reference to soil making materials, as appropriate) mineral to be extracted, waste or non-saleable material.
  • The results of tests undertaken to indicate quality of deposit, for example special physical or chemical properties.
  • The geology and topography of the site identifying where relevant, for example land stability, water table, ground conditions including surface water drainage.

Proposed method of extraction

  • Total quantity of material to be extracted (tonnes). Saleable mineral, waste and overburden stated separately.
  • Rate of production in tonnes per annum (mineral and extracted waste to be separately identified).
  • Proposed depth of working and measures to maintain the stability of land surrounding the site.
  • Statement of method of working including details of direction of work, phasing, duration of each of: site development works, tipping and extractive operations and restoration.
  • Details of plant and machinery for mineral extraction (not processing).
  • The method of transporting material from face to processing or disposal point (for example roadway, conveyor, aerial ropeway or tramway).
  • Processing of the Materials
  • Details of any Stockpiles – including location and maximum height  
  • Dimensions and type of the plant and machinery (including capacity) to be used in processing.
  • The tonnage of the material to be processed per annum.
  • Details including quantities of any other materials brought onto the site for processing or storage (including hazardous materials).
  • A description of the nature and quantities of processed waste and the proposed method of disposal.

Ancillary operations and development

Details of any other buildings, plant and structures to be erected.


  • Details of the transport related to removing the mineral from the site, train or vehicles and routes.
  • Details of the anticipated daily number of vehicle movements generated by the operations at the site, including weight and type of vehicle.

Environmental effects of the proposals

  • Details of blasting, including times and predicted air and ground vibrational effects and noise to be recorded at site boundaries and the nearest properties.
  • An indication of the proposed method of treatment and disposal of any water encountered during the works (including ground and surface water) both on and off site. If the working is to take place below the natural water table state whether the working is to be wet or pumped dry.
  • Details of existing and anticipated noise levels and any measures proposed for the suppression of noise and dust from the mining and quarrying operations and from the processing operation, including the treatment of any topsoil and subsoil heaps.
  • Indications of the hours of mineral working, processing and vehicular movements, expressed separately.
  • Details of the measures proposed to clean vehicle wheels and prevent the deposit of mud on the public highway network.
  • Details of the measures and phasing of landscaping works proposed for screening the site.
  • Details of existing site services, public rights of way and conservation interests with measures for protection, diversion and reinstatement.

Need for the mineral

  • Detail the need for the mineral.

Restoration, aftercare and after-use

  • Intended after-use or uses (for example agriculture, forestry, amenity) with appropriate detail on nature and types.
  • Use of soil materials in restoration, together with intended phasing and timescale.
  • Amounts, types and sources of filling materials if reclamation envisages partial or complete filling with on-site or imported wastes, and the need for any licence under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
  • Details of proposed drainage of the restored land; creation of any permanent water areas.
  • Details of an aftercare and management.


In addition to the location plan and the plan of the application site, drawings should show the following:

  • The existing surface levels (including contours) over the area of extraction and land in the immediate vicinity.
  • The method of working, including details of direction and timing of phases.
  • The proposed final levels (including contours) of the worked out areas.
  • Cross sections – to include existing and proposed levels.
  • The proposed surface area, height and location of mineral stockpiles, topsoil, subsoil and overburden mounds.
  • Details of the access to the site, parking, loading, unloading areas, etc.
  • Details of landscaping and restoration including the final levels of the restored site.
  • Details of services crossing or adjacent to the site, for example drainage, gas or electricity supplies.
  • Details of any public footpaths and bridleways affected by the operations and of any proposed diversions and closures.
  • Details of land to remain unworked within the area of the application.

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