Local Requirements - Land Contamination Assessment (Phase II) Report and Risk Assessment

Types of application or development that require this information

  • Where it is known or “suspected” that the application site is contaminated to an extent that it could adversely affect the proposed development and/or create new pollutant linkages
  • A Phase I report has identified that contamination is evident on the site

What information is required?

Where contamination is suspected a Phase 2 Intrusive Site Investigation Report prepared by a competent person, as per the NPPF, must be submitted with applications for full planning permission.

If a Phase 2 Report is submitted it must be accompanied by the preceding Phase 1 Report.

A written sampling strategy (scope of works) should be agreed by Council before the commencement of site investigation works.

A Phase 2 Report should include:

  1. A site investigation to determine the nature and extent of contamination where it is present and also areas where it is absent. Analysis of samples of soil, water and/or ground gases may be required to assess the contamination at a site.
  2. A Risk Assessment reviewing and updating the preliminary conceptual site model developed in Phase 1.
  3. Remediation and verification recommendations if necessary.

Further information

  • Development on Land Affected by Contamination: Technical Guidance for Developers, Landowners and Consultants, YALPAG.

Policy driver

  • National Planning Policy Framework - Chapter 15: Conserving and enhancing the natural environment
  • National Planning Practice Guidance: Land affected by contamination
  • Core Strategy - Policy DS5: Safe and Inclusive Places
  • Core Strategy - Policy EN8: Environmental Protection

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