Local Requirements - Digital Infrastructure Statement

Types of application or development that require this information 

  • New buildings with a floor space of 1,000 square metres or more.
  • Residential developments providing 10 or more residential units.
  • Residential sites of 0.5 hectares or more (where the number of units are not specified.
  • Any development on a site of 1 hectare or more

What information is required?  

A Digital Infrastructure Statement is required in order to ensure that developers provide suitable on-site duct and chamber infrastructure to support the provision of digital technology in new developments. A Digital Infrastructure Statement should include:

  • Details of engagement with providers.
  • Current and potential connectivity options.
  • Identify any developer contributions to costs which may be required.
  • The proposed method for installing digital infrastructure.
  • Details of how the infrastructure will be future proofed, for example ducting which is capable of accommodating more than one provider.
  • Any design implications for other elements of the scheme where appropriate for example building design, street design and maintenance (including street trees/drainage) or other utilities providers.

The statement can be relatively brief and may be incorporated into a Design and Access Statement or Planning Statement. This should be made clear in the title of the document.

Further information

  • Bradford Digital Strategy

Policy driver

  • National Planning Policy Framework - Chapter 10: Supporting high quality communications infrastructure
  • Core Strategy - PolicyTR5: Improving Connectivity and Accessibility
  • Homes and Neighbourhoods SPD – 1.4

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