Local Requirements - Coal Mining Risk Assessment

Types of application or development that require this information

All non householder planning applications in a Coal Authority Development High Risk Area Excluding proposals for:

  • Approval of reserved matters,
  • Changes of use where no building works are proposed
  • External alterations to buildings that create no new floor space
  • Temporary structures with no ground works,
  • Means of enclosure
  • Street type furniture
  • Domestic stables
  • Variation or removal of conditions unless the condition relates to land stability

What information is required?

There is a legacy of past coal mining activity in the District. In order to ensure coal mining related land stability issues are assessed in planning applications, a Coal Mining Risk Assessment is required.

The Coal Mining Risk Assessment must be prepared by a competent person and should address the following issues:

  • A desk-based review of all available information on the coal mining issues which are relevant to the application site
  • Use that information to identify and assess the risks to the proposed development from coal mining legacy, including the cumulative impact of issues
  • Set out appropriate mitigation measures to address the coal mining legacy issues affecting the site, including any necessary remedial works and/or demonstrate how coal mining issues have influenced the proposed development
  • Demonstrate to the Local Planning Authority that the application site is, or can be made, safe and stable to meet the requirements of national planning policy with regard to development on unstable land

Note: if the development is subject to the Environmental Impact Assessment process under the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 2011 (as amended), it is suggested that the Coal Mining Risk Assessment can be incorporated into the Environmental Statement.

Further information

Policy driver

  • National Planning Policy Framework - Chapter 17: Facilitating the sustainable use of minerals
  • National Planning Practice Guidance: Land Stability
  • Core Strategy – Policy EN8: Environmental Protection

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