Change of use to state funded school

Permitted development rights under Part 3 Class T of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development Order) 2015 allow changes of use for uses within Classes C1 (hotels), C2 (residential institutions) C2A (secure residential institutions) and Class E (commercial, business or service) to a state-funded school.

For these permitted development rights to apply the building concerned must not be a listed building or a scheduled monument.

The developer must notify the Council that they wish to change the use of the building to a state funded school and provide the following details:

  1. A written description of the proposal 
  2. A plan indicating the site and showing the proposed development 
  3. A contact address for the applicant 
  4. An email address if the applicant is happy to receive correspondence by email.

However, no fee will be payable where an application for planning permission relating to development of the same buildings or land is submitted at the same time as the prior notification application, by or on behalf of the same applicant.

Please note that the Council require the submission of additional information reasonably required to determine the application including assessments of risks or impacts, statements setting out how risks are to be mitigated or details of the proposed operational development.

Application form

Apply via the Planning Portal