Website maintenance

We will be doing maintenance to our website and online forms between Friday and Monday. If you have problems using our online forms, please try again later. more »

Comment on or object to a planning application

For the foreseeable future, the processing of written representations by post may be subject to delays as staff won’t be in the office to deal with postal submissions. In order to ensure that your comments reach the planning case office in a timely manner we would request that you submit them online using our online planning system.

Comment on or object to a planning application online

Using the online planning system on a mobile device

Before you log in to the system on a mobile, you must first log in to it via a laptop or PC and accept the notification for GDPR consent. After doing this, you will be able to use the online planning system on a mobile.

If you log in to our online planning system on a mobile device without using a laptop of PC first, you will receive an error message that says 'Server Error'.

Where can I view a copy of a planning application?

You can view electronic copies of planning applications, including application forms, plans and supporting information:

  • online by using our online planning system. Application documents are normally available to view within 24 hours of an application being validated. Some applications can have many documents, and as a result may take some time to load depending on your internet connection 
  • by visiting the Customer Service Centres at Britannia House and Keighley Town Hall during normal office hours

There is no requirement to register in order to comment on an application, but registering will allow you to take advantage of advanced features such as tracking applications and saving searches.

Our web software uses a time-limited ‘session cookie’ so that it can maintain a secure link between you and the Council’s website. If you are writing a long comment, it may take long enough to exceed the lifetime of that cookie. This will lead to an error message and your comment may not get through to us.

You can obtain a paper copy of the scaled plans for inspection at a more convenient time, but there is a charge for this service.

You can see any consultation responses and officer planning panel reports (where relevant) about a current planning application on our online planning system.

How do I comment?

Representations can be submitted:

  • online using our online planning system. There is no requirement to register in order to comment on an application, but registering will allow you to take advantage of advanced features such as tracking applications and saving searches. Further information can be found on our How can I comment on an application page (pdf, 339kb)
  • In writing to the Planning Service, 4th Floor Britannia House, Hall Ings, Bradford BD1 1HX, quoting the relevant application number

Your name and contact details will not be made public but we still require your full name and address in order to contact you if the application is referred to planning panel or committee for a decision. You should also avoid including any personal or confidential information in your comment about yourself or other people.

What issues can we take into account?

We can only take into account planning issues when determining an application.

There is no exhaustive list of material planning considerations, but the following issues are likely to be relevant in most cases:

  • Policies on the Replacement Unitary Development Plan 
  • Government Planning Policy Statements/Guidance 
  • Considerations of highway safety 
  • Residential amenity 
  • Design, appearance and layout 
  • Character of a layout 
  • Noise, disturbance and smells 
  • Impact on trees, listed buildings and conservation areas 
  • Visual impact

What issues cannot be taken into account?

Examples of issues that are not planning matters include:

  • Loss of view 
  • Private rights such as restrictive covenants, private rights of way and rights to light 
  • Land ownership 
  • Boundary or access disputes 
  • Objections on grounds of business competition 
  • Effects on property value 
  • Morality or personal opinion 
  • Matters covered by other legislation 
  • The reputation of the applicant/developer 
  • Nuisance caused by building work 
  • Speculation about future developments

What happens when I comment on an application?

We do not send paper acknowledgements but if you use our online planning system you will receive an immediate acknowledgement by email.

In order to comply with the UK General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and to protect the privacy of contributors, comments on planning applications are not published on our online planning system. Any comments received will be summarised in the planning officers report for that application. Comments, and the address of the contributor, may be passed on the Planning Inspectorate and the applicant if the applicant appeals against a decision.

For more information about how we deal with comments please refer to our how the planning service deals with your information page.

What happens next?

You can also use the online planning system to track and monitor the progress of any application you are interested in and be notified of any changes or updates by email. 

Find out further information from the how planning decisions are made page.