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How planning decisions are made

Planning Officer Assessment

The case officer will assess the information contained in the application together with the representations and consultation responses received against the relevant policies in the Replacement Unitary Development Plan and other material considerations such as siting design and impact upon adjacent properties.

The case officer will prepare a report and make a formal recommendation as to whether permission should be granted subject to conditions or whether it should be refused.

In the majority of cases the decision to approve or refuse planning permission will be taken by a planning officer who has delegated powers to act on behalf of the Council.

The Council's 'Scheme of delegation' refers to who is allowed to make decisions about planning applications. The current scheme of delegation which took effect on 19 January 2021 can be viewed on this page.

District Planning Panel and Regulatory and Appeals Committee Meetings – agendas, reports and minutes

In other cases the application will be decided by the District Planning Panel or the Regulatory and Appeals Committee, which deals with major planning applications. Both of these comprise of locally elected members and meet approximately every 4 weeks.

All applications to be discussed at a the District Planning Panel Meeting or Regulatory and Appeals Committee will be listed on the agenda which is published 5 working days before the meeting. The schedule of meetings, agendas and reports together with decision lists and minutes of meetings can be viewed on the Committee Agenda, Reports and Minutes website.

If an application requires a panel decision, the Council will write to the applicant or their agent (where relevant) and all those people who have submitted comments to advise them the date the application will be considered, 7 days in advance of the meeting.

We will also provide all interested parties with details about what happens at planning panels and the Council’s public speaking arrangements which can be found can be found in Public Speaking at The District Planning Panel and Regulatory and Appeals Committee.

Decision Notice

After the decision has been made the applicant or their agent will receive a formal decision notice. If the application has been granted the permission is normally valid for three years from the date of the decision.

Please note that if planning permission is granted there may be conditions which require further details to be submitted prior to the commencement of the development for example, samples of materials, or landscaping. These details must be submitted through a formal application for Approval of Details. More information about this process can be found in Make a planning application.

If the application is refused the decision notice will state the reasons why the proposal is unacceptable.

All those people who have submitted comments on a planning application will be notified of the outcome.

View a decision on a planning application

Details of planning decisions, including a copy of the decision notice can be viewed on the online planning system.

View planning decisions 

Using the online planning system on a mobile device

Before you log in to the system on a mobile, you must first log in to it via a laptop or PC and accept the notification for GDPR consent. After doing this, you will be able to use the online planning system on a mobile.

If you log in to our online planning system on a mobile device without using a laptop of PC first, you will receive an error message that says 'Server Error'.

Submitting a Planning Appeal

If the application is refused or the applicant is unhappy about any of the conditions imposed on a planning permission they have a right of appeal to the Planning Inspectorate an independent body reporting to the Department of Communities and Local Government. Appeals can also be submitted where an application has not been determined within the 8 and 13 week target timescales. Guidance on how to submit an appeal can be found within the Council’s decision letter and on the Planning Inspectorate's website

Objectors and other interested third parties have no right of appeal. Such a decision can only be challenged on a point of law through judicial review proceedings in the High Court. An application to judicially review a decision must be made within 6 weeks of the decision being made.

More information about the Appeals process can be found on the Planning Inspectorate's website.