Website maintenance

We will be doing maintenance to our website and online forms between Friday and Monday. If you have problems using our online forms, please try again later. more »

View and comment on planning appeals

Appeals against a planning decision must be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate.

The appeal process is available to applicants only. Objectors and other interested third parties have no right of appeal under UK planning legislation.

Guidance on how to submit an appeal and search for an existing appeal can be found on the the Planning Inspectorate’s website.

View current and recent appeal details

Using the online planning system on a mobile device

Before you log in to the system on a mobile, you must first log in to it via a laptop or PC and accept the notification for GDPR consent. After doing this, you will be able to use the online planning system on a mobile.

If you log in to our online planning system on a mobile device without using a laptop of PC first, you will receive an error message that says 'Server Error'.

How to comment on a planning appeal

When an appeal is submitted all comments submitted in relation to the original planning application will be taken into account by the Planning Inspectorate in the determination of that appeal.

The Planning Inspectorate has published guidance on how to make your views known on a planning appeal.