National requirements - site plan (non householder)

A site plan must be submitted with all applications.

Site plans should be drawn at an identified standard metric scale (typically 1:200 or 1:500) and accurately show:

  • The direction of north
  • The proposed development in relation to the site boundaries and other existing buildings on the site, with written dimensions including those to the boundaries

and the following, unless these would not influence or be affected by the proposed development:

  • All roads and public rights of way crossing the site
  • All buildings, roads, public rights of way and footpaths on land adjoining the site including access arrangements
  • Existing and proposed access arrangements
  • Existing and proposed parking arrangements. See Parking Plan for more information
  • Proposed location of electric vehicle charging infrastructure
  • The position of all trees on the site and those on adjacent land
  • The extent and type of any hard surfacing; and
  • Existing and proposed boundary treatment including walls or fencing
  • Proposed refuse storage/recycling arrangements

All plans should contain an individual reference that identifies the individual plan, the version number and date of production (any amended plans submitted at a later date should follow the same reference format).

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