Local Requirements - Ventilation and Extraction Statement

Types of application or development that require this information

  • Proposals for new restaurants and cafes
  • Proposals for new public houses or other drinking establishments
  • Proposals for new Hot food takeaways
  • Planning applications for mixed use food and drink developments involving a hot food takeaway element and drive though restaurants (sui generis use)
  • Proposals for new launderettes
  • Major retail, business, industrial, leisure or other similar developments where substantial ventilation or extraction equipment is proposed to be installed

What information is required?

Where ventilation or extraction equipment is to be installed a Ventilation and Extraction Strategy should be submitted which includes:

  1. Details of the position and design of ventilation and extraction equipment including an acoustic assessment, odour abatement techniques, grease filters and noise mitigation measures where appropriate.
  2. Details of the position and design of the air conditioning equipment, including acoustic noise characteristics.
  3. Elevational drawings showing the size, location and external appearance of any plant or equipment.


A statement that no ventilation or extraction equipment is proposed

Further information

Policy driver

  • National Planning Policy Framework - Chapter 7: Ensuring the vitality of town centres
  • National Planning Practice Guidance: Noise
  • Supplementary Planning Document: Hot food takeaways

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