Local Requirements - Travel Plan

Types of application or development that require this information

  • Major development proposals which likely to have significant transport implications such as schools and educational establishments, public
    buildings, employment retail and leisure uses and residential schemes including homes for the elderly or student accommodation.
  • Developments where Air Quality Mitigation measures are required

What information is required?

A draft Travel Plan should:

  1. Outline the way in which the transport implications of the development are going to be managed in order to ensure the minimum environmental, social and economic impacts. 
  2. Demonstrate a firm commitment by both developers and occupiers to minimise and reduce the number of single occupancy car trips generated by or attracted to the site(s) and set out the mechanisms by which the availability and capacity of sustainable transport modes will be maximised as well as initiatives to reduce travel to the site.
  3. Set Smart Targets for mode share and trip targets by mode and identify a strategy for its implementation and monitoring that is in line with the requirements of membership to the WY Travel Plan Network for employment sites and appropriate for residential and other development
  4. Measures to be implemented should Travel Plan targets not be met
  5. Provide a budget for measures to be implemented
  6. Identify the travel plan co-ordinator and the management arrangements for the plan for example a steering group and the development timetable. 
  7. Include activities for marketing and promoting the plan to occupiers, users, visitors and residents of the site.

Policy driver

  • National Planning Policy Framework - Chapter 9: Promoting Sustainable Travel
  • National Planning Practice Guidance: Travel plans, transport assessments and statements section.
  • Core Strategy - Policy TR1: Travel Reduction and Modal Shift
  • Core Strategy - Policy TR4: Transport and Tourism

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