Local Requirements - Landscaping Scheme

Types of application or development that require this information

  • All major applications, including outline proposals, that include any external space must be accompanied by a landscape strategy plan (integrating tree planting) and a written landscape statement detailing the design approach proposed.

What information is required?

The information provided should be appropriate to the scale and nature of the proposed development and indicate: the extent of existing and proposed planting areas, and the type of planting within them; locations and types of new trees; areas and type of hard surfacing; location and nature of boundary treatments; and earthworks / ground level changes. 

Planting plans should provide sufficient detail including: plant species, size, density, numbers, and for trees and some shrubs information relating to the root condition (such as pot, bare root, root balled, air pot, etc).

Applicants and the local planning authority should work with highways officers and tree officers to ensure that the right trees are planted in the right places, and solutions are found that are compatible with highways standards and the needs of different users.

Appendix 4 of the Landscape Character Supplementary Planning Document ‘Design Guidance’ sets out a number of requirements that should be fulfilled or taken into account. These include:

  • Preliminary Work-site survey and appraisal, outline landscape plan.
  • Design Principles-landscape principles and detailed design requirements
  • Landscape Management and Maintenance-maintenance considerations, responsibilities, and management plans.

Section 2.8 of the Homes and Neighbourhoods Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document also includes a number of principles and requirements for the provision of well-designed landscapes within new housing developments which should be used.

Further information

Policy driver

  • National Planning Policy Framework - Chapter 12: Achieving well-designed places
  • Core Strategy – Policy EN4: Landscape
  • Core Strategy - Policy DS2: Working with the Landscape
  • Core Strategy - Policy DS3: Urban Character
  • Landscape Character Assessment Supplementary Planning Document
  • Homes and Neighbourhoods Design Guide SPD – Principles 2.4 Green Streets, 2.6 Open Space, 2.8 Landscape, 2.10 Play

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