Local Requirements - Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment

Types of application or development that require this information

  • Schemes which are likely to have a significant visual impact on the landscape
  • All applications where an Environmental Impact Assessment is required

What information is required?

A Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment should identify and assess the existing landscape and demonstrate the likely effects that the proposed development may have on views and visual amenity of the landscape.

The assessment should follow established Landscape Institute standards covering assessment methodology, baseline description; landscape and visual impact assessment; photomontages, visualisations and conclusions.

Further information

  • Landscape Institute
  • Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments (GLVIA3) and clarifications.
  • The Landscape Character Assessment Map is an interactive map showing the different landscape character areas, types and sensitivities. This map should be used in conjunction with the Landscape Character Assessment Supplementary Planning Document to understand the different characteristics of the landscapes within the District. The SPD also provides guidance for managing development and change within these landscapes. 
  • Landscape Character Assessment Supplementary Planning Document

Policy driver

  • National Planning Policy Framework - Chapter 12: Achieving well-designed places
  • National Planning Policy Framework - Chapter 15: Conserving and enhancing the natural environment
  • National Planning Practice Guidance: Landscape
  • Core Strategy - Policy SC1: Overall Approach and Key Spatial Priorities
  • Core Strategy - Policy SC3: Working Together
  • Core Strategy - Policy SC4: Hierarchy of Settlements
  • Core Strategy - Policy SC6: Green Infrastructure
  • Core Strategy - Sub Area Policy: AD1, WD1, PN1
  • Core Strategy - Policy EN3: Historic Environment
  • Core Strategy - Policy EN4: Landscape
  • Core Strategy - Policy EN5: Trees and Woodland
  • Core Strategy - Policy EN6: Energy;
  • Core Strategy - Policy EN9: New and Extended Minerals Extraction Sites
  • Core Strategy - Policy EN11: Sand, Gravel, Fireclay, Coal and Hydrocarbons
  • Core Strategy - Policy DS2: Working with the Landscape
  • Core Strategy - Policy DS3: Urban Character.
  • Supplementary Planning Document - Landscape Character Assessment.

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