Local Requirements - Land Contamination Assessment (Phase I Report)

Types of application or development that require this information

  • Proposals for new residential development, nursing homes, schools, nurseries, allotments, children’s play areas, playing fields and other vulnerable land uses on land known or suspected to be contaminated due to current or previous uses or within 150 metres of a landfill site
  • Proposals for new offices, shops, restaurants, industrial uses, car parks and other low vulnerable land uses on land known or suspected to be contaminated due to current or previous uses or within 150 metres of a landfill site

What information is required?

A Phase 1 Report, prepared by a competent person, as per the NPPF, should include:

  1. A desk study search of available historical and current records and maps to identify potential on-site and off-site sources of contamination
  2. A site walkover survey including observations relating to the site’s layout, nature and setting, condition of the site and structures, visual or odorous evidence of contamination and signs of vegetation distress.
  3. A preliminary conceptual site model that illustrates the potential pollutant linkages including sources of any potentially significant contamination, pathways through which contaminants can travel and receptors that ultimately can be affected by the contamination together with details of limitations and assumptions or uncertainties.

The conceptual site model will enable a preliminary risk assessment to be made, which will indicate whether a Phase 2 Intrusive Site Investigation is required.

Where contamination is suspected a Phase 1 Desk Study Report must be submitted with application for outline or full planning permission.

Further information

  • Development on Land Affected by Contamination: Technical Guidance for Developers, Landowners and Consultants, YALPAG

Policy driver

  • National Planning Policy Framework - Chapter 15: Conserving and enhancing the natural environment  
  • National Planning Practice Guidance: Land affected by contamination
  • Core Strategy - Policy DS5: Safe and Inclusive Places
  • Core Strategy - Policy EN8: Environmental Protection

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