Local Requirements - Green Belt Assessment (householder)

Types of application or development that require this information

  • Householder applications for extensions to existing dwellings within the green belt

What information is required?

A Green Belt Assessment should to provide justification for the proposed enlargement to the dwelling, having regard to local and national green belt planning restrictions on inappropriate development in the green belt.

The applicant will need to demonstrate that the enlargement is not disproportionate. To do that, they should provide calculations of the volume (cubic metres), footprint (square metres) and height (metres) of the proposed enlargement.

The Council will also require calculations of the volume and footprint of the following:

  • The original building that is to be enlarged (the original building is the building existing on 1 July 1948 or the building as it was first constructed if it was built after that date)
  • Previous extensions that have already been added to the original building since 1948, and which have not been demolished.
  • The amount of any demolition of parts or additions being proposed to the original building as part of the proposed development which the applicant considers should be discounted from the comparison.

Policy driver

  • National Planning Policy Framework - Chapter 13: Protecting Green belt land
  • National Planning Practice Guidance: Green belt

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