Local Requirements - Flood Risk Assessment

Type of application or development that require this information

  • Sites of 1ha or more in Flood Zone 1
  • Development in flood zones 2 and 3 (including minor extensions with a footprint less than 250 square metres and also changes of use)
  • Non householder developments in high and medium flood extents

What information is required?

For minor non domestic extensions with a footprint of less than 250 square metres in flood zones 2 and 3 a simple flood risk assessment is required. The Environment Agency’s Standing Advice for Minor Developments sets out how to complete an assessment.

The Environment Agency’s Standing Advice for Vulnerable Developments should be followed for new developments, including changes of use, with a flood risk vulnerability classification of:

  • ‘more vulnerable’ in flood zone 2 (except for landfill or waste facility sites, caravan or camping sites)
  • ‘less vulnerable’ in flood zone 2 (except for agriculture and forestry, waste treatment, mineral processing, and water and sewage treatment)
  • water compatible’ in flood zone 2

For all other developments in Flood Zones 2 and 3 and site of 1ha or more in Flood Zone 1, the Environment Agency’s detailed advice about how to prepare Flood Risk Assessments should be followed. 

The FRA should form part of an Environmental Statement when one is required by the Town and Country Planning  (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017.

Further information

Policy driver

  • National Planning Policy Framework - Chapter 14: Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change
  • National Planning Policy Framework - Annex 3: Flood risk vulnerability classification
  • National Planning Practice Guidance: Flood risk and coastal change
  • Core Strategy - Policy EN7: Flood Risk

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