Local Requirements - Daylight/Sunlight Assessment

Types of application or development that require this information

  • Applications for significant developments where there is an obvious potential for adverse impacts on sunlight/daylight levels for existing neighbouring properties and/or proposed new properties.

What information is required?

A technical assessment of sunlight/daylight levels for properties. This should be included as an appendix to the Design and Access Statement.

A summary included within the Design and Access Statement detailing the findings of the assessment and any design measures/mitigations which are being proposed to improve sunlight/daylight levels. 

Further information

  • Building Research Establishment (BRE) Guide to Good Practice – Site Layout Planning for Daylight and Sunlight (2011) except where superseded by British Standard 17037:2018 ‘Daylight in Buildings’

Policy driver

  • Core Strategy –Policy HO9: Housing Quality
  • Core Strategy – Policy DS5: Safe and Inclusive Places
  • Homes and Neighbourhoods SPD – 3.4 and 3.5

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