Local Requirements - Agricultural Statement

Types of application that require this information

  • Planning applications for agricultural development such as new buildings required for the purposes of agriculture, and planning applications for new uses or new buildings and other developments that will occupy or affect agricultural land. Including developments that are part of a farm diversification scheme.

What information is required?

An Agricultural Statement should include: 

  • Details of the current land holding including: size of holding; amount of land in the applicant’s ownership; any additional rented land on long and short term tenancies.
  • Details of the location of the existing agricultural buildings already present on the holding and what they are used for.
  • A description of existing main agricultural activities carried out on the holding for example cattle rearing, sheep fattening.
  • Details of the proposed development including: the floor area of the proposed building(s); the height to ridge and eaves;
  • The relationship of the proposed development to the other buildings on the holding in terms of the functions of the farm and the vehicular access.
  • The ability to accommodate further expansion in the design and layout of the building;
  • If it is a temporary building - how long the building will be required for;
  • Justification for the proposed development including: the need for a specific size of building; reason for the location proposed; any other special factors.
  • If the proposed development is a building that will house livestock – provide an indication of the typical numbers and type of livestock associated with the proposal plus details of arrangements for slurry or waste storage and the method of disposal.
  • Surface water drainage details.

Proposals for agricultural or rural workers dwellings in the countryside should include evidence to demonstrate that, based on the functional needs of the farm business, there is an essential need for a rural worker, including those taking majority control of a farm business, to live permanently at or near their place of work in the countryside.

Such evidence should demonstrate the size and nature of the farm or other rural business and its requirements for labour. In circumstances where such a business is not permanently established, the applicant should provide evidence that there is a sustainable business plan to ensure establishment and continuity of that business.

Applications for rural workers’ housing in the countryside should also provide evidence that there are no existing suitable dwellings available in the locality that might effectively meet the needs of the enterprise: including those within settlements accessible to and in near proximity to the holding.

Also evidence will be needed to show that the need for a rural worker to live permanently at or near their place of work in the countryside could not be met through the re-use of redundant or disused buildings.

Policy driver

  • National Planning Policy Framework - Chapter 6: Building a strong, competitive economy
  • National Planning Policy Framework - Chapter 5: Delivering a sufficient supply of homes (Rural Housing)

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