Local Requirements - Affordable Housing Statement

Types of application or development that require this information

  • Developments of 10 or more dwellings, or the site has an area of 0.5 hectares or more

What information is required?

An Affordable Housing Statement should include:

  1. The total numbers of affordable dwellings.
  2. The mix of affordable dwellings by house type.
  3. The mix of affordable dwellings by tenure.
  4. Plans showing the location of affordable dwellings with a schedule detailing the bedrooms, accessibility category (building regulation standard) and unit size of each dwelling (GEA and GIA).
  5. Details of the basis of calculation of any service charges, ground rents or management fees to be applied to the Affordable Dwellings.
  6. Summary of design and construction detail and equipping of the affordable dwellings, including curtilage design and access.
  7. Phasing of the development, including the provision of affordable dwellings.
  8. Information about how the affordable dwellings are to be transferred managed, allocated and let to meet needs, and details of Registered Provider where involved.
  9. For outline applications, where it is not possible to specify the affordable housing provision in detail, a statement of intent should be submitted outlining how affordable housing is intended to be provided and whether the site will comply with the provisions set out in the SPD.
  10. Please provide any other details which you feel would be beneficial to support the provision of affordable dwellings. This may include rationale and evidence to support any off-site provision and viability evidence

Policy driver

  • National Planning Policy Framework - Chapter 5: Delivering a sufficient supply of homes
  • National Planning Practice Guidance: Housing and economic needs assessment
  • Written Ministerial Statement: Affordable Homes Update (UIN HCWS50)
  • Core Strategy - Policy HO11: Affordable Housing

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