Play Streets frequently asked questions

Why do children need to play in the street when there are parks nearby?

Parks are great for family outings and for older children who can get there independently but for younger children, it usually involves a special trip, organised and supervised by adults. This means that, unlike a generation ago, children are simply not getting enough everyday active play time.

Street play is very different. Firstly, it is literally on the doorstep so children can play ‘semi-supervised’ whilst parents get on with other things. This allows for more unstructured, child-led play. Secondly, children playing together on their street helps to build a sense of community and belonging, which in turn makes your street a safer and friendlier place.

Why can’t children just play in their own back gardens?

In cities, if you have a garden at all, the space is limited and the experience isolated. Street play is a way for children to meet and form friendships with other children on their street, who they may not come across normally (they may be at different schools or of different ages). It also provides more space and freedom to move. Big-rope skipping, hopscotch, roller-skating, cycling and scooting are generally impossible to do in a tiny back garden!

This is a major inconvenience for me as a car driver, why should I let it happen?

It really shouldn’t be a major inconvenience as residents can still drive in and out during the session if they need too, just at walking speed to make it safe for everyone. For those not living on the street, it will usually only mean a small diversion which should make no real difference to journey times. Most Play Streets sessions only last an hour or two and don’t take place at times when there’s lots of traffic. If you do have concerns, do talk to the organisers about them and hopefully you can reach a solution. You may well find it easier than normal to park on the street, since only residents will be allowed in and out during the sessions.

Will you still let visitors and deliveries through?

The idea of a Play Street isn’t to cause stop residents from going about their daily business so stewards will let visitors or delivery drivers through if absolutely necessary, but they will ask the driver to wait until the road is clear of children and families and then travel at walking pace.

This is going to have a negative impact on my business, why should I let it happen?

As part of the application process, everyone within the closure area should be consulted. If you are outside the closure area talk to the organisers about your concerns, in an open neighbourly way – there is usually a way around things if you really need access to parking for your customers, although please remember there is no right to parking on a public highway, even for residents. There is strong support for children’s right to play out amongst parents and grandparents in particular, so you might even find that by being accommodating or offering support you improve your business image and get new customers!

Aren’t roads just for cars?

The idea that residential streets are just 'roads' - places simply to drive and park cars has crept up on us gradually and has now become an accepted fact. Up until the 1970s, street play was common. 71% of adults played out in the street or neighbourhood as children, compared to only 21% of children today (Playday poll, 2007). In cities and built up areas, streets are our main public space and the place where a sense of community can be created. Play Streets is partly about challenging the perception that streets are nothing but highways and demonstrating their possibilities as social spaces for everyone.

Why do you need to close the road? We just played out as kids.

Times have changed. Streets are much more traffic dominated and it is no longer normal to see children out playing as it used to be. Having to organise an official road closure in order to use the street in this way is not an ideal situation and is not a long-term solution. In some very quiet streets, a road closure might not be necessary in order for children to safely play in the road. However, the danger from traffic is one of the main reasons that children don’t play outside nowadays. In many residential streets, cars both parked and moving dominate to such an extent that play becomes impossible. In this instance closing the road to through traffic and having stewards in place provides the reassurance parents and carers need to allow their children to play out while still allowing residents car access. Play Streets can be a first step towards changing attitudes about the place of cars in residential streets.

Won’t a playing out session bring lots of children to my street from elsewhere?

Each Play Streets session is organised by residents or a community organisation. They will only publicise it on their own street and, sometimes, immediately neighbouring streets. Play Streets sessions aren’t designed to be public ‘events’ they are for children to have a chance to play right outside their front doors.  It  is very unlikely that there would be more than a few families joining from other streets as the main ‘draw’ for children and parents (as opposed to going to the park) is having direct access to their own house and toys and getting to know their neighbours. 

I’m worried that the noise made by children playing outside will disturb me.

Experience from other areas is that streets are often quieter during Play Streets sessions than when open to traffic. Some people would say the sound of children playing is a wonderful thing and something we no longer hear enough of. In cities we all need to live alongside each other and tolerate a reasonable amount of noise from other people’s activities. Even those who don’t drive have to live with traffic noise. Play Streets sessions are usually only an hour or two long, with parents and carers remaining responsible for their children at all times.  The noise shouldn’t be problematic, but if there is a persistent problem, then please speak to the organisers of the Play Street session as usually a solution can be found.

I am nervous about my car being damaged.

If you are very nervous about damage to your car, you may wish to park it elsewhere during Play Street sessions. However, Playing Out, the national resident led organisation that supports child’s play inform us that they have heard of very few incidents of damage in the hundreds of sessions that have taken place up and down the country and so we would not expect the level of risk to be much greater than if children were scooting, skating or cycling on the pavement past parked cars. The Play Streets sessions are organised and stewarded either by a local community organisation or people living on the street. They will do their best to ensure that children play safely and responsibly during the sessions. Parents and carers also remain responsible for their children at all times during the sessions.

Who is going to pay if my property gets damaged?

In terms of damage to property (including cars), the liability situation is no different with a road closure than under normal circumstances - people take responsibility for their own actions. Parents and carers will have ultimate responsibility for their own children and residents will need to resolve any issues between each other and their insurers.

I don’t like the idea of children playing unsupervised. Who will make sure they don’t get up to mischief?

Play Street sessions are run and organised by local community organisations or local residents. They will do their best to ensure that children play safely and responsibly. It is also made very clear that parents and carers remain responsible for their own children throughout the session.

Won’t it encourage children to think the road is a safe place to play under normal circumstances?

Playing Out, the national resident led organisation supporting children’s play have had many conversations with parents and carers about this and there is a strong agreement that even young children can understand the difference between a Play Street session with a road closure and normal circumstances. Play Street sessions are a good opportunity for parents to talk to their children about road safety and the danger of traffic but also to observe what streets could be like if traffic was less dominant and begin to think about ways to slow cars on their street.

I haven’t got young children and this idea makes me feel excluded from my own street.

It’s not just the children who benefit or can join in with a Play Street session. They provide a great chance to bring neighbours together, to get to know each other better and bring a real sense of community spirit to the street. Everyone is welcome to join in and enjoy socialising with neighbours whilst children play. Equally, no one should feel any obligation to ‘join in’ if they don’t want to. At some sessions, older residents or those without children have helped to steward or just enjoyed sitting out, meeting neighbours and sharing memories about their own childhood play experiences.

I still have concerns about this happening on my street. What do I do?

If you are still not sure about whether you feel comfortable with a Play Street session taking place where you live then, talk to the person or people thinking of organising the session. They will be happy to have an honest, neighbourly discussion with you and try to find ways to make sure your concerns are addressed. If you still want to make a formal objection to the proposals you can contact the council by emailing or telephoning 01274 437379. The council will attempt to address any concerns and weigh up the pros and cons in each instance before making a decision.

Our Play Streets Scheme has been inspired by the resident-led not for profit organisation 'Playing Out' who work to support children’s freedom to play out in the streets and spaces where they live. A recent survey conducted by them showed that by the end of 2022 over 100 local authority areas were actively supporting street play with over 1,600 street communities having played out. You can find out more about the inspirational work of Playing Out by visiting

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