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Abnormal loads - movement on public highways

The City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council is responsible for most roads in the Bradford District that are classified as public highways. Government regulations set out what types of vehicle (categorised by width, length, height and weight) may use public highways. Some roads which pass over or under bridges may not be suitable for all vehicles.

The movement of large or heavy loads and cranes is permitted provided they comply with government regulations. These are generally referred to as 'abnormal loads'.

The haulier responsible for moving the abnormal load is responsible for any problem that might be caused as a result of the abnormal load movement. Hauliers must notify Leeds City Council (acting on behalf of the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council), in advance, of any abnormal load movement and indemnify the council against any problem that might occur as a result or damage which might be caused to the highway infrastructure. We require notification of the 'from' and 'to' addresses, the length, height and width, the axle weights and axle spacing, the route and the nature of the load. These details are entered onto our 'abnormal loads database'.

The haulier must survey the route in advance of notification to ensure it is suitable in respect of width and height clearances, long term roadworks etc. We check the route for any conflicts with road and bridge restrictions. The haulier can then be informed if a conflict exists. The haulage company must also notify other bridge owners.

Movement notifications should be emailed to or faxed to 0113 336 7276. The Abnormal Loads Officer can be contacted on 0113 378 7030.