The City of Bradford Permit Scheme

The City of Bradford Permit Scheme Order 2019

The City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council hereby makes an order under Part 3 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 whereby acting as Local Highway Authority it revokes the Permit scheme known as “The Bradford Metropolitan District Council Permit Scheme” made on the 31 March 2015 in exercise of the powers conferred by the Act and makes a new Order to be known as the “Bradford Permit Scheme 2019”.


Roadworks directly or indirectly affect everyone. The City of Bradford Permit Scheme is intended to deliver public benefits by minimising the inconvenience and disruption caused by road works to all road users.

Permit schemes replace part of the existing New Roads and Street Works Act noticing system. On the affected permit streets, instead of informing The City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council of their intention to carry out work, an activity promoter must apply for a permit which sets out how the work will be undertaken to minimise disruption.

The original Permit Scheme was introduced on 31 March 2015. 

The permit scheme was deregulated on 31 October 2015.

The City of Bradford Permit Scheme Order 2019 came into effect on 3 June 2019.

Who needs a permit?

Anyone carrying out works in a permit street needs a permit. This includes works by utility companies and works carried out by The City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council and its partners. It does not include activities such as builders’ skips and scaffolding where the existing arrangements will be maintained.

The scheme applies to all streets in the Bradford District except for Private Roads.

Permit fees

Activity Main Roads Minor Roads
Reinstatement category of street 0, 1 and 2 3 and 4 3 and 4
Street designated as traffic sensitive or not All streets Traffic sensitive at some times/locations Non traffic sensitive at any time or location
Time and location of activity Any time and location Any part within traffic sensitive times / locations Wholly within non traffic sensitive times / locations Any time and location
Provisional Advance Authorisation £105* £105 £73.50 £75
Major Works - over 10 days and all major works requiring a traffic regulation order £240* £240 £168 £150
Major works - 4 to 10 days £130* £130 £91 £75
Major works - up to 3 days £65* £65 £45.50 £45
Standard Activity £130* £130 £91 £75
Minor Activity £65* £65 £45.50 £45
Immediate Activity £60* £60 £42 £40

*A discount will be applied where works are undertaken wholly outside of traffic sensitive times on Traffic Sensitive Streets. See above.

Note: That in line with the Permit Authorities policies and procedures, the above fees will be reviewed on an annual basis.

Permit variation fees

£45 for activities on category 0, 1 and 2 streets, and on 3 and 4 traffic sensitive streets.

£35 for activities on category 3 and 4 non traffic sensitive streets.

If a Permit variation moves an activity into a higher fee category, the Promoter will be required to pay the difference in Permit fee.

No fee is payable if a Permit variation is initiated by the Permit Authority.

Permit Register

All streetworks permits are available to view via the Department for Transport Street Manager System.

Conditions relating to Immediate works

Condition reference Condition type Condition Circumstances where applied Reason for condition
YI01 Standard condition for immediate works The activity promoter shall apply for a permit within 2 hours of starting or by 10am the next working day. Immediate activities National requirement.
YI02 Standard condition for immediate works The permit authority and a suitable provider of real-time traffic and travel information shall be contacted within an hour of attendance on site where the immediate works require an emergency traffic regulation notice or lane closure on a traffic sensitive street. Immediate activities where an emergency temporary traffic regulation notice or lane closure on a traffic sensitive street are required. To ensure that the public have accurate and up to date information regarding disruptive and unexpected activities.
YI03 Standard condition for immediate works The permit authority shall be contacted within an hour of attendance on site where the immediate works require the use of portable traffic signals on a traffic sensitive street. Immediate activities where the use of portable traffic signals on a traffic sensitive street is required. To ensure that the public have accurate and up to date information regarding disruptive and unexpected activities.
YI04 Standard condition for immediate works In circumstances where the immediate works require an emergency road closure the permit authority will be contacted at the first available opportunity during normal office hours to agree the correct diversion route and emergency temporary traffic regulation notice. Immediate activities where an emergency temporary traffic regulation notice is required. To ensure that appropriate diversions are signed as soon as possible and that inappropriate routes are not used.
YI05 Standard condition for immediate works Portable traffic signals will be controlled manually during traffic sensitive hours as stated on the local street gazetteer. Immediate activities where portable traffic signals are required. To avoid undue disruption due to unexpected temporary restrictions.
YI06 Standard condition for immediate works For immediate activities on streets designated in the National Street Gazetteer as requiring early notification, the activity promoter shall telephone the number specified on the Permit Authority's website immediately the activity has been identified. The call will be logged and a unique reference number provided to the applicant, and this number should be included in the subsequent permit application. Immediate activities on streets where early notification is required. To enable the permit authority to have an input to the design and implementation of otherwise unplanned temporary traffic management on particularly sensitive parts of the network.

These conditions apply to immediate works in the period between the commencement of the activity and the grant of a permit.

Contact us

For advice on the permit scheme or to discuss any immediate activity you may be undertaking please contact us by email or by telephone via our contact centre on 01274 431000 (please ask for the Network Resilience team)

Information for activity promoters

Further information for activity promoters is available to download on this page and will be updated periodically.