Neighbourhood planning

3. Regulation 16 - Public Consultation (July 2021)

Oxenhope Village Council submitted its proposed Neighbourhood Development to the Council under Regulation 15 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended) on 19 February 2021 to Bradford Council.

In accordance with Regulation 16 (Publicising a Plan Proposal), the Council invited representations from organisations and individuals on the submitted NDP and supporting documents.

Details of earlier stages in the neighbourhood plan process can be viewed on the Oxenhope Village Council website.

The consultation ran from Friday, 16 July to Friday, 10 September 2021.

Representations were made online using the Council's Opus Consult website, by email or in writing. Representations from 7 respondents can be viewed below:

  1. Highways England (PDF)
  2. Natural England (PDF)
  3. The Coal Authority (PDF)
  4. Historic England (PDF)
  5. Yorkshire Wildlife Trust (PDF)
  6. Avison Young (for National Grid) (PDF)
  7. City of Bradford MDC (PDF)

Viewing the plan

The Oxenhope Neighbourhood Development Plan and supporting documents can be viewed at the following deposit locations.

Viewing the documents is by appointment only due to current restrictions, please use the links below to contact your preferred location to visit.

What happens next

The Neighbourhood Plan, supporting documents and representations received will, in line with legislation, be subject to an independent examination by a suitably qualified and independent person (the Examiner).

The Examiner's role is to assess whether the neighbourhood plan meets basic conditions (set out in law) and other legislative requirements. They will determine whether or not it proceeds (with or without modifications) to a local referendum in the neighbourhood plan area.

More information can be found on the Examination page.