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Pre-application advice for residential and commercial developments

Please note: discretionary fees charged for other services provided by the Local Planning Authority rose in line with inflation on 1 May 2024.

If your proposal requires planning permission, we would encourage you to consult our policies or where applicable obtain pre-application advice before submitting a formal planning application.

Pre application enquiry form (PDF)

Planning Policy Guidance 

The Council has produced a range of supplementary planning documents which provide theme based and site specific advice relating to development proposals.

These documents can be found on the Supplementary Planning Documents page.

Shopfronts and security measures

Advice on shopfronts and security measures can be found on the Shopfront Design Guide webpage.

Minor Pre Application Advice Service

We can also provide written pre application advice for minor development proposals prior to the submission of a planning application.

These are defined as being proposals:

  • for dwellings, minor development is one where the number of dwellings to be constructed is between 1 and 9 inclusive
  • where the number of dwellings to be constructed is not given in the application, a site area of less than 0.5 hectares should be used as the definition of a minor development
  • for all other uses, such as industrial, office and retail uses, a minor development is one where the floorspace of the building(s) to be created is less than 1,000 square metres or the development is carried out on a site with an area less than 1 hectare.

The service will also include other applications associated with minor developments, such as listed building consent and conservation area consent.

This is a separate service from the Major Pre Application Advice service and also does not apply to householder developments

Benefits of pre application advice

The service provides the following benefits:

  • early indication if a proposal is likely to be acceptable
  • early identification of issues that need to be addressed prior to the submission of a planning application
  • early identification of the need for specialist input, such as conservation and highway matters
  • provision on the likelihood of a positive decision being made within the eight week target deadline
  • advice on the plans and supporting documents you need to submit with your formal application to ensure that it is valid on receipt
  • reduction in the amount of negotiations and amendments required at the planning application stage

How to apply for pre application advice

You can apply for pre application advice by submitting the Pre Application Form, supporting information and fee to the address on this page.

Information required to be submitted

To help us respond to your request, please provide as much information as possible about your proposal. As a general guide we would suggest that the following information should be submitted:

  • the site boundary clearly marked on a location plan of not less than 1:1250 scale
  • the layout of the proposed development on a plan of not less than 1:500
  • current details of the site, to show features such as trees and landscape features, and adjacent buildings and uses
  • land ownership details
  • an accurate description of the proposal
  • drawings/sketches of the proposed development, such as elevations, floor plans, access arrangements, materials


The standard fee is £205 which includes the planning officer’s time to investigate your proposal and provide a written response. It also includes the time taken for specialist contribution to the final written advice.

Please note that the fee is for the provision of pre-application advice. It does not count towards the fee for any subsequent planning application. The fee is non-refundable. 

Debit and credit card payments can be made through our online secure system

Pay your fee online

You will need to provide the site address and payment amount

Payment can also be made by bank transfer, telephone or cheque. More information about how to make a payment can be found on the enquiry form.   

The service you will receive from us 

Information you will receive from us:

  • acknowledgement within five working days of receiving your pre-application request that the service is right for the development proposed and the target date for response. The service has the right to decline a request where it is considered not appropriate or unnecessary.
  • you will be advised if further information is required before a case officer can proceed with your enquiry.
  • we will aim to respond in writing to your enquiry within 56 days of receipt. However, the Planning Service prioritises its work and deals with planning applications first. This means that during periods of high volumes of workload, it may take longer to reply.
  • provide an indication of the further details and supporting information required to be submitted as part of a formal planning application.

Any pre-application advice that has been provided will be carefully considered when reaching a decision or recommendation on an application; subject to the provision that circumstances and information may change or come to light that could alter that position. Any advice given by Council Officers does not constitute a formal response or decision of the Council.

Any views or opinions expressed are in good faith, and to the best of ability, without prejudice to the formal consideration of any planning application which will be subject to public consultation and ultimately decided by the Council.

Building Regulations

This is a separate application process to ensure that the construction of a building meets the standards under Building Regulations. Those issues to be considered are national standards for health and safety, energy conservation, and access to and about buildings. A qualified person will carry out periodic inspection of the construction work and confirm that it is in accordance with a submitted plan and meets the applicable requirements.

Bradford Building Control Services offers pre-application advice at the design stage, without charge. We can arrange a meeting with a building control officer, or you can contact them at:

Telephone: 01274 433807
Fax: 01274 435081 or 722840