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Do I need planning permission? - advice for householders

Some minor alterations and extensions can often be carried out without the need to apply for planning permission. This is known as 'permitted development'. Most single houses benefit from permitted development rights (PD).

Permitted Development rights do not apply to flats, maisonettes, mobile homes, residential caravans or houses created through the change of use permitted development rights.

How do I find out if I need planning permission?

Guidance on the need for planning permission and building regulations for many common building works is available via the Planning Portal common projects page.

Check restrictions to Permitted Development

Check whether any of the following permitted development restrictions apply to your property:

Larger single storey rear extensions

Householders can build larger single-storey rear extensions under permitted development, provided their property is not within a conservation area. The size limits have doubled from 4 metres to 8 metres for detached houses, and from 3 metres to 6 metres for all other houses.

These changes are subject to a number of limitations and conditions, including requirements relating to the height of extensions and distances from boundaries.

If you wish to build an extension of this size you are required to notify the Council, before any work starts so that we can determine if prior approval is required for the proposed extension, based on consultation with neighbouring properties.

Additional storeys/extending upwards

You can now also build an additional storey on to your house under permitted development subject to it complying with a number of limits and conditions, and an application for the Local Authority’s prior approval. More information about additional storeys and extending upwards can be found on the Planning Portal.

Apply for prior approval for the construction of additional storeys to a dwelling

Obtain confirmation from the Council - Lawful Development Certificate

If you are still not sure whether your building project needs planning permission you can submit a lawful development certificate for a proposed use or development. You will receive a formal decision as to whether your proposal is permitted development or an application for planning permission is required. Read more about Lawful Development Certificates on the Planning Portal.

Listed Building Consent

If you wish to undertake internal or external alterations which affect the character of a listed building or extend or demolish part or all of a listed building you will require listed building consent.

Building Regulations

Remember, whether or not your building project requires planning permission you will still need to comply with Building Regulations.

Guidance on the need for building regulations can be found on the Do I need building regulations page or the Planning Portal 'do you need permission?' page.