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Do I need planning permission? advice for business

How do I find out if I need planning permission?

Planning permission is required for all new business and commercial premises and most alterations and/or extensions to existing premises.

Further guidance on the need for planning permission and other consents can be found on the Planning Portal website.

The Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended) puts uses of land and buildings into various categories. In many cases involving similar types of use, a change of use will not require planning permission. You can find further information on the Planning Portal - Use Classes and permitted changes webpage.

City Centre Priority Streets Local Development Order

On 23 May 2019, in consultation with the Regeneration, Planning and Transport Portfolio Holder, Bradford Council adopted a Local Development Order. This allows certain types of development within the City Centre Priority Streets area to be undertaken without the need for planning permission. You can find out more information about this Development Order on the City Centre Priority Streets Local Development Order page.

Changes of Use Requiring Prior Notification

Certain changes of use require a prior notification process to the Council. Click on the links below to find out more about the notification processes and what information you are required to submit.

Obtain confirmation from the Council - Lawful Development Certificate

If you are still not sure whether you need planning permission you can submit an application for a lawful development certificate for a proposed use or development. You will receive a formal decision as to whether your proposal is permitted development or an application for planning permission is required. Please note that there is a fee for these applications.

Building Regulations

Remember, whether or not your building project requires planning permission you will still need to comply with Building Regulations.

You can find more information and advice on Building Regulations on the Advice for businesses page or the Planning Portal.