Core Strategy DPD

What is the Core Strategy?

The Core Strategy Development Plan Document (DPD) forms an essential part of the Local Plan for Bradford setting the strategic planning framework and policies to guide development within the District up to 2030.  

The Core Strategy:

  • sets out the broad aims and objectives for sustainable development within the Bradford District for the next 15 to 20 years until 2030.
  • sets out broad policies for guiding and restraining development.
  • sets out the broad locations for new housing, employment and infrastructure investment.
  • covers a broad range of important policy topics, including housing, employment, transport, retail, leisure and environmental policy areas
  • takes account of national and regional planning policy along with the Council’s Community Strategy.
  • does not allocate specific sites for new housing and employment development.
  • helps to determine planning applications.

Adopted Core Strategy

The Core Strategy was adopted by Bradford Council on 18 July 2017, after being found sound by the Inspector appointed to oversee the public examination process, subject to the inclusion of the Main Modifications set out in the Appendix to his report.

The Core Strategy forms part of the statutory Development Plan for the Bradford District and will be used in determining planning applications alongside other adopted Local Plan documents.  The Council will continue to have regard to the remaining RUDP 'saved' policies.

The key stages within the production of the Core Strategy are available within the various boxes below.

A hard copy of the adopted plan has been made available at the usual deposit locations.

You can view the full version of the adopted Core Strategy (PDF, 8 Mb)