Mental health

Sometimes mental health can feel overwhelming - please know it is okay and you are far from alone.

One in four of us will experience mental health issues in any given year and this next section is dedicated to supporting the thousands upon thousands of people who need help right now.

You can find lots of support locally and nationally:

Healthy Minds


The Healthy Minds website has a bank of wellbeing resources including self-help articles on a wide range of topics.

Mind in Bradford: Guide-Line

Telephone: 08001 884 884


Guide-Line is a confidential mental health telephone line (12 noon to 12 midnight) or webchat (3pm to 8pm) service providing support.

Qwell - online only


Qwell is a safe and confidential space for adults (aged 18+) to share experiences and gain support from the online community and professionals.

Anxiety and depression

Do you feel worried, unsure or afraid sometimes? Particularly about the future, and what might happen? You may have anxiety,

Do you feel down a lot? Do you no longer get pleasure from things you love? You may be depressed.

We all feel this sometimes, but if it happens often, or lasts a long time, you may need some help.

Find support at:

MyWellbeing College

Telephone: 0300 555 5551


MyWellbeing College is a free NHS service to help people manage their everyday problems such as low mood, stress or anxiety. Self referral or GP referrals accepted.

Roshni Ghar


Telephone: 01535 609927


Roshni Ghar is a Mental Health charity that provides culturally appropriate, responsive services for South Asian women experiencing mental ill health.

KAWACC - Keighley

Telephone: 01535 667359


The Keighley Association Women & Children's Centre (KAWACC) is a registered charity and voluntary organisation which adopts a holistic view of women

Grief and loss

Feelings of grief and loss can happen when someone close to us dies, at the end of a relationship, after losing a job or watching the physical and mental health decline of someone we care about.

The circumstances of grief and loss may differ, but what remains the same, is the need to reach out for help sometimes.

Find support at:

Cruse Bereavement Support

Telephone: 0808 808 1677



West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership

Telephone: 0808 1963 833


The Bereavement Advice Centre

Telephone: 0800 634 9494


Healthy Minds: Grief and Loss

Telephone: 08001 884 884


The phone lines are open 12 noon to 12 midnight every day, and the chat feature is open from 3pm to 8pm, for all ages.

Mental health crisis

Life can be really hard sometimes. You may notice that you or someone close to you may be feeling more stressed, anxious or overwhelmed than normal. People may think suicide is the only way for them to escape their pain and suffering but it doesn't have to be that way.

Thinking about suicide doesn't mean you will do it, it means you are struggling. There are ways to feel better and stronger, the key thing to remember is you are not alone. Two big things you can do to prevent suicide - find help, and connect with others

Signs of a mental health crisis or suicidal feelings may include (but are not limited to):

  • Feeling very anxious, possibly with panic attacks/flashbacks
  • Episodes of mania (extreme high) or severe depression (extreme low)
  • Impulsive or reckless behaviour that carries risk of harm, for example substance misuse or self-harm
  • Saying, writing or thinking about killing yourself or dying
  • Withdrawing from society, friends and family and daily tasks
  • Significant unexplained changes in behaviour or personality

Where can I get support?

First Response

Telephone: 0800 952 1181

Support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help people of all ages living in Bradford, Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven, who are experiencing a mental health crisis.


Telephone: 116 123 (free) or 0330 094 5717


Offering a free helpline all day, everyday.


Telephone: 0800 068 4141


Papyrus is the Young Suicide prevention society and their phone line is there to help you.


Telephone: 0800 1 1 1 1

A freephone service run by trained counsellors who listen and support children and young people under 19.


Telephone: 0300 304 7000

SANE offers an out-of hours helpline offering support and guidance (4.30pm to 10.30pm).

Shout - text line

Text phone: 85258


Text "SHOUT" to contact the crisis team, or text "YM" if you are under 19.

A mental health emergency needs to be taken as seriously as a physical one. If your life or someone else's life is at immediate risk, you need to contact 999.

Isolation and loneliness

The experience of loneliness is different for everyone. Someone can be alone without feeling lonely or even feel lonely when they are with other people.

For some people, feelings of being alone may still be lingering on after the height of the pandemic. You may benefit from some support, making some new friends, or even volunteering in your community to meet new people. You can find information about volunteering and how to become one further down this page.

Find support at:

Bradford Council Contact Centre

Telephone: 01274 431000


Bradford and District Befriending Network

Telephone: 01274 522231


Age UK: Call in Time

If you're feeling lonely and you're interested in a weekly telephone friendship call, contact the national Age UK: Call in Time service.

Telephone: 0800 434 6105


Mental health in young people

Almost every young person has adjusted to dramatic changes in their education, employment and life lately. It's been hard and though things might be moving on, some of the mental health challenges still remain and haven't gone away.

There is a lot of great support out there if you do need help.

If you are in crisis and require urgent support, please contact First Response on 0800 952 1181

The following tips may also help:

  • Speak to a family member or trusted adult
  • Take time to be kind to yourself
  • Eat healthy and try to stay active
  • Reduce time online or on social media

Find support at:

Kooth - online only


Kooth is a free anonymous online platform offering mental health support for 11 to 24 year olds.

Youth in Mind


Youth in Mind support 8 to 19 year olds in the Bradford District who are struggling with their social, emotional or mental wellbeing. For young people with special educational needs or disabilities, they accept referrals up to the age of 25.