Bradford and District Healthwatch

What is Healthwatch?

Healthwatch is here to listen to your experiences of health and social care, and make sure your voice is heard.

Good or bad, we want to know what you think of the care you receive in the Bradford District - so speak out and tell us what you think.

This could be about anything from hospital visits or appointments with the doctor, to your experience of dental services, health visitors, and more.

It’s not just health services we’re interested in, it’s social care too. This includes care for older people, and services for people with disabilities or mental health problems.

We also want to hear from carers, about your experiences of health and social care services when looking after family and friends.

You can also ask us questions about health and social care, and we’ll help you find the information you need.

Call Healthwatch on 0300 56 10 987 or email to find out more.

Concerns or complaints

If you have a concern about a health or social care service in Bradford and District we will put you in touch with the right people to listen to your concern. If you need support with making a formal complaint about NHS services, we can put you in touch with the Independent Complaints and Advocacy Team who can help you.