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Time Out

What is Time Out?

Time Out is a service which provides support to carers and the people they care for, for a few hours at a time.

Time Out staff:

  • provide relief to carers on a regular basis 
  • visit people in their own homes 
  • provide companionship and support so that carers can take 'Time Out'
  • help people to remain in their own homes 
  • support those who live alone
  • provide person centred support
  • promote well-being

Who is Time Out for?

People who need support to:

  • remain independent
  • pursue a hobby
  • learn a new skill
  • stay active and well
  • socialise
  • take people out to promote social inclusion
  • have social stimulation in their own home

Carers who may need a break from caring. You may need time to:

  • go shopping 
  • visit friends and family 
  • follow an interest or hobby 
  • sleep or rest
  • attend appointments

Who provides Time Out?

Time Out is part of the department of Adult Social Care Services. The Scheme has a team of casual workers employed by Time Out who are carefully chosen and matched to the person they are visiting.

When is Time Out provided?

Typically, this will be for a couple of sessions a week with a minimum of two hours weekly. This time can be between 7am and midnight and includes weekends.

How do I apply?

You will need a Care Act Assessment from a Social Worker to access the Time Out Service.

Contact the Independence Advice Hub on 01274 435400 or using the Independence Advice Hub online form to arrange an assessment.

What happens after the assessment?

Once Time Out receive the referral a member of the team will come to visit you and find out a bit more about your interests and what sort of person would be a good match for you or the person you care for.

We will then introduce you to someone we think you will get on with. If this match is not suitable we can look for someone else.

Is there a charge?

You may need to contribute to the cost of the Time Out Service.

Can I get help with the cost?

This depends on your personal circumstances.

A financial assessment will be carried out and we will let you know what help is available.

Do the Time Out Workers have any training?

All Time Out Workers are fully checked and will have a DBS in place. They are also part of the Care Quality Commission regulated service, which currently has a good rating. They have to attend training and have annual reviews as well as regular contact from a manager on the team.

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