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Support during the day outside your home

Local community activities

There are lots of community centres and groups that run activities that you might want to get involved in if you would like to get out and about, doing interesting things and meeting new people.

They offer a wide range of things that cater for all hobbies and interests. You can look at the Community Directories to find these and get in touch with them directly.

Some of these ask for a small contribution to attend. If they offer meals and transport they will charge for that.

For people who need more support

If you feel you need more help than these provide then you would need to have a chat with a social care worker. You will need to contribute to the cost of attending somewhere. How much the cost is depends on how often you attend and your personal circumstances.

If you want to arrange services and support for yourself, then you might be interested in Self Directed Support. This gives you a Direct Payment which you can use to arrange your own support. You can look after the money yourself or ask the Council to hold the money and help you find the support you need. If you haven’t got access to transport that will be discussed when you meet with the social care worker.

There are a range of options some of which are support different groups of people.

If you have a learning disability you will be able to get support with:

  • getting a job
  • becoming a volunteer
  • learning how to do new things
  • going out and about on an evening with a friend or friends

If you face mental health challenges we have a service that provides 1-1 support to help you with difficulties you may have in preparing for or accessing and engaging with mainstream and vocational activities, such as recreation, education, training, voluntary work and pathways to paid work or another service that provides help with getting a job.

We also have the following for all groups of people:

Time out – this is where someone comes to your home for a few hours to provide companionship and support so your main carer has a bit of a break.

Compass – this is where you are matched with someone and go to spend the day with them at their home or doing activities you enjoy.

Daycentres - some of which are run by the Local Authority and others by Charities or Voluntary Sector Organisations. They provide a range of activities, an opportunity to socialise and meet people. They might focus on particular things like drama, art, gardening or sport.

To find out whether you are eligible for these you can contact the Access team.

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