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What types of fraud do we investigate?

The council’s Corporate Investigation Unit (CIU) investigates many types of fraud against the council. This includes:

Council Tax and Non Domestic Rates

Council Tax; Council Tax Reduction Scheme; Council Tax Single Person Discount

This type of fraud usually occurs when someone deliberately gives false or misleading information so that they can pay less or no Council Tax.

Business Rates

This type of fraud usually occurs when someone deliberately gives false or misleading information so that they can pay lower or no business rates including stating that a property is no longer in use and therefore qualifies for a reduction in rates.

Disabled Parking (Blue Badge)

Misuse, abuse or defrauding the Blue Badge scheme occurs when:

  • Using a badge which is no longer valid
  • Using a badge when the badge holder is deceased
  • Using a badge that has been forged or copied
  • Using a badge that has been reported lost or stolen
  • Using a valid badge belonging to a friend or relative for own personal use

Find out more about Blue Badge fraud.


Council or Social Housing - Tenancy Fraud

This type of fraud occurs when someone deliberately gives false or misleading information when applying for a property for example:

  • falsely claiming to have children
  • subletting a property without permission
  • living in a property after someone has died without the right to do so
  • key selling – where a resident is paid to pass on their keys in return for a one off payment
  • false right to buy or acquire.

Adult Social Care

Direct payment – occurs when payments are not spent on items detailed in the care plan; false claims for expenses and wages are made by carers; when a disability or care need is exaggerated to receive support;

Savings and capital are not declared on a financial assessment.


This type of fraud occurs when someone deliberately intends to influence any stage of the procure to pay life cycle in order to make a financial gain or cause a loss. This could be perpetrated by contractors or sub-contractors external to the Council and/or staff within the organisation.

Public Funding and Grant

This type of fraud occurs when individuals, organisations or organised criminal groups claim public funding or grants that they are not eligible for.

Occupation / Employee

  • Recruitment – occurs for example when a job applicant inflates their credentials to apply for a position or provides false references.
  • Financial statement – occurs, for example when providing false information to support an expenses claim; working for another employer whilst receiving sick pay; abuse of the Council's flexitime or leave scheme.
  • Asset misappropriation – occurs when an employee steals the Council's property (including cash or other assets) or purchases goods for personal use through council suppliers

Other types of fraud against the council

The types of fraud mentioned above are just examples and don’t cover every type of fraud that we investigate. If you suspect that someone is defrauding the council in any way, you can report it in total confidence.

How to report fraud

Please note: suspicions about fraudulent claims of Housing Benefit or Universal Credit should be reported to the DWP online or call 0800 854 440.