Website maintenance on Friday and Sunday

We will be doing maintenance to our website systems on Friday, 25 and Sunday, 27 October. more »

Counter Fraud Policy

The City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council ("The Council") is wholly opposed to all forms of fraud and corruption, both from within the Council and/or from external sources, as this is bad for the economy and can adversely impact on the provision of public services for the people and communities of Bradford District.

The Council will not tolerate dishonesty on the part of any of the members or officers of the Council or any persons or organisations involved in any way with the Council and expects members and officers of the Council to demonstrate compliance with the Seven Principles of Public Life (the Nolan principles), appropriate legislation, Council Member and Employee Codes of Conduct, Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, conditions of service, standards of appropriate professional bodies, and any other standards, guidelines or instructions which are relevant to the particular service or activity.

The Council is committed to:

  • Ensuring that the people and communities of Bradford District have complete confidence that the affairs of the Council are conducted in accordance with the highest standards of probity, honesty, integrity and accountability.
  • Maintaining an anti-fraud culture which reinforces the Council's zero tolerance to fraud and corruption.
  • Combating fraud and corruption, in relation to any of the Council's activities or services and involving any members or officers of the Council, members of the public or other third parties.
  • Maintaining arrangements which enable employees, or the people and communities of Bradford District to report suspicions of fraud and corruption without fear, repercussions or intimidation and in the knowledge that the information will be treated confidentially and will be investigated fully and rigorously.
  • Taking timely and appropriate action against the perpetrators ensuring consistency, fairness and objectivity and compliance with appropriate legislation and Council policy.
  • Working constructively with any enforcement agency either within the Council or within the wider community.
  • Widely publicising the Council’s stance on anti-fraud and corruption
  • Ensuring that all employees and members of the Council are made aware of this policy and receive mandatory awareness training on at least a bi-annual basis.


A deception which is deliberate and intended to provide a direct or indirect personal gain. The term "fraud" can include criminal deception, forgery, blackmail, corruption, theft, conspiracy or the covering up of material facts and collusion. By using deception, a fraudster can obtain an advantage, avoid an obligation or


The deliberate misuse of an official position for direct or indirect personal gain. "Corruption" includes offering, giving, requesting or accepting a bribe or reward, which influences your actions or the actions of someone else.


Where someone steals cash or other property. A person is guilty of "theft" if they dishonestly take property belonging to someone else and has no intention of returning it.