How to vote in person

On election day, you can vote at a local polling station. This is very easy and our staff are always there to help.

If you are on the electoral register, you will get a poll card before the election telling you where and when to vote.

The poll card itself is for your information only. You do not need to take it to the polling station to vote.

The polling station is often a school or local hall near where you live.

On election day, go to your local polling station between 7am and 10pm

If you are disabled and need assistance, ask our staff in a polling station. They will be able to help you.

Tell the staff inside the polling station your name and address

They can check you are on the electoral register. You can show them your poll card, but you do not need it to vote.

The UK Government has introduced a requirement for voters to show photo ID when voting at a polling station. This new requirement will apply for the first time in England at the local elections on Thursday, 4 May 2023. Further information and full list of the form of ID that is acceptable is available on the Voter ID page.

The staff at the polling station will give you a ballot paper

The ballot paper lists the parties and candidates you can vote for. You may be given more than one ballot paper if there is more than one election on the same day.

Take your ballot paper into a polling booth so that no one can see how you vote

Read the ballot paper carefully. It will tell you how to cast your vote.

Mark your vote, fold the ballot paper in half and put it in the ballot box

A pencil will be provided for you to cast your vote, but you can use your own pen if you prefer.

If you use a pen, please ensure that the ink dries before you fold your ballot paper. If it smudges, your vote may not be counted.

Do not write anything else on the ballot paper or your vote may not be counted.

Do not let anyone see your vote.

Polling station accessibility

The voting process should be accessible to all voters. We offer a range of support for disabled voters to enable them to vote independently or with assistance. If you are not sure what to do or need help, please ask our staff at the polling station.

To help make polling stations accessible we provide:

  • ramps where needed so polling stations are wheelchair accessible
  • adapted level polling booth for wheelchair users
  • large print versions of ballot papers are displayed to view
  • pencil grips to attach to pens or pencils when marking the ballot paper
  • magnifiers to use when reading guidance or marking the ballot paper
  • Tactile Voting Device, to enable blind and partially sighted people to mark their ballot papers independently
  • training for polling station staff based on how to assist people with visual impairments and blind people
  • friendly and helpful polling station staff who will make reasonable adjustments where possible

Additional support

Please let the polling station staff know if you need any additional support to be able to exercise your right to vote.

For example, if you need:

  • someone to read out the candidates on the ballot paper
  • to be shown a large print ballot paper
  • to use the Tactile Voting Device
  • someone to help mark the ballot paper with your decision, either someone who has accompanied you or the polling station staff
  • to be assisted in moving around the polling station
  • If you have a learning disability and / or autism, you may need reasonable adjustments to support you to vote in an election. You can download and complete a Voting Passport (PDF, 204Kb) and take it with you when you go to the polling station.

If you would like to make a request before polling day for additional equipment or support in your polling station, please email or call 01274 432287.

My Vote My Voice: Easy read guide to voting in elections

RNIB (Royal National Institute for the Blind): Your rights: Voting and elections - Advice for people with sight loss.

Contact us about elections and voting