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Bradford South – Community Chest Area Committee Funding

Notes for Applicates

Applications should only be made using Bradford South Community Chest application form, which should be returned to:


There are four deadlines throughout the year by which applications should be received by Bradford South Area Co-ordinator’s Office, these are:

  • 31 May
  • 31 August 
  • 31 October
  • 31 January 

Applications received after the closing date will be considered at a later meeting of the Grants Advisory Group.

You should normally expect to hear whether your application has been successful or not within one month of the closing date. The Grants Advisory Groups decision is final. We do not enter into correspondence in regard to the decisions made.

Applications must be typed or clearly written (preferably in BLOCK CAPITALS). Illegibility may result in applications being returned.

Applicants must provide the organisations constitution, safeguarding policy (if applicable), latest audited accounts or bank statements, full details of the project to be funded including a detailed expenditure list, and at least two quotations (where possible) from suppliers for all costs that need to be met.

Incomplete application forms and those that do not have the above documentation enclosed will be returned to you. Only fully completed application forms will be presented to the Grants Advisory Group.

All monies given to a project / organisation / individual must be accounted for in full (for example copies of receipts / invoices showing how the money was spent).

Criteria for applications

  1. Applications will only be considered from groups and or organisations that either operate in, or benefit people who live in the Bradford South Constituency area.
  2. Applications will be considered to assist community based activities which will be of benefit to the community, and where the activity could not go ahead without financial assistance. Special consideration will be given to projects that target issues of deprivation and disadvantage.
  3. Examples

    Examples of what will be funded:

      • Equipment (from pots and pans, to plants and publicity)
      • One off events
      • Building improvements
      • Startup costs for new groups

    Examples of what won’t be funded:

      • Ongoing revenue costs (insurance, salaries, staffing costs for example speakers / tutors fees, rent etc)
      • Activities of a religious / political nature
      • Activities funded retrospectively
      • Secondary fundraising
  4. The organisation should be a non-profit making voluntary organisation where membership is open (i.e. no discrimination of membership on grounds of sex, race religion, occupation or opinion).
  5. The maximum allocation from the Community Chest will not exceed £500.00 for any individual project. Projects which cross boundaries can be considered by a number of Area Committees, but the total grant will not exceed £500.00.
  6. Groups which have applied for and received funding in previous years will not be funded for the same or repeated project.
  7. Groups / organisations should normally expect only one grant per financial year.
  8. Bradford South Committee expects organisations to make every effort to be self-supporting, and will favour grants where other funding / fundraising has been secured.
  9. Projects should demonstrate that appropriate child and adult protection policies are in place together with any necessary Health and Safety arrangements.
  10. Projects should not contravene Council Policy Guidelines in areas of equality of opportunity (i.e. no discrimination of membership on grounds of sex, race, religion, occupation or opinion).
  11. Please note that some of the data collected as part of this funding bid is shared with internal and external partners as well as the funded projects being publicised electronically, in funding reports, in the media and other methods of distributing the information. It is also possible that this information may be released in accordance with a Freedom of Information request

Would you like to know more?

Bradford South Area Co-ordinator’s Office has a pot of money called Youth and Community Chest. You could apply for a grant of up to £500. This is available for groups within Bradford South to allow them to run events, purchase equipment, provide transport, and take part in sports activities etc.

If you would like more information, please contact us.

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