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Bradford West - Community Chest and Area Committee Funding

Criteria for applications

  1. Applications will only be considered from groups/organisations that either operate in, or benefit people who live in the Bradford West Constituency area, or individuals living in the Constituency who are engaged in exceptional sporting, artistic or voluntary work endeavours.
  2. Applications will be considered to assist community based leisure/cultural activities that will be of benefit to the community, and where the activity could not go ahead without financial assistance. 
  3. Special consideration will be given to particular target groups including the elderly, disabled, youth, ethnic minorities, unemployed and to particular communities (such as inner city areas or Council estates), and to new starts and innovatory schemes.
  4. Bids from new groups or previously unfunded groups will be positively encouraged.
  5. Grants may be used to complement other sources of funding (such as Sports Council). Bradford West Area Co-ordinator’s Office expects organisations to make every effort to be self-supporting, and will favour such organisations.
  6. The maximum allocation from the Community Chest would not normally exceed £500 for any individual project. Projects that cross boundaries can be considered by a number of Area Coordinator’s Office, but the total grant will not normally exceed £500. 
  7. Projects should not contravene Council Policy Guidelines in areas of equality of opportunity (that is, no discrimination of membership on grounds of sex, race, religion, occupation or opinion).
  8. The organisation should be a non-profit making voluntary organisation where membership is open (that is, no discrimination of membership on grounds of sex, race, religion, occupation or opinion). 
  9. Grants will normally be, under broad and flexible guidelines, on a one-off basis to cover capital or revenue expenditure. 
  10. No group that has applied for and received funding in consecutive years should automatically assume that funding will continue. Each application will be treated on its merits 
  11. Groups/organisations who receive funding must return the completed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) within a 3 month period from the date it was posted. Failure to do so will make the organisation ineligible for funding and they will have to reapply. 
  12. Groups/organisations should normally expect only one grant per financial year. 
  13. Successful candidates should acknowledge the support of the Bradford West Area Committee. Successful projects will be expected to invite appropriate Ward Members to any events and activities funded through the Community Chest.
  14. Groups/organisations who receive funding must return the monitoring information requested. 
  15. Community Chest cannot be used to fund religious or political activities, or capital expenditure exclusively connected with such activities. 
  16. Community Chest is not normally used to enable fund raising for a secondary body, unless within the terms of a loss guarantee.
  17. Relevant groups should demonstrate that appropriate child and adult protection policies are in place. 
  18. Relevant groups/organisations must ensure that all statutory (and/or legal) health and safety requirements are complied with and, where appropriate, advice must be obtained and followed. 
  19. Please note that some of the data collected as part of this funding bid is shared with internal and external partners as well as the Funded projects being publicised electronically, in funding reports, in the media and other methods of distributing the information.   It is also possible that this information may be released in accordance with a Freedom of Information request. 
  20. Your contact details may also be stored and shared internally for publicity mailouts and to advise you with other funding opportunities.

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