Website maintenance

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Notification of changes to allotment charges and concessions 2024-25

Following a review of Allotment rental charges for 2024-2025 we've had to take the difficult decision to increase charges due a significant increase in costs across the service. Previously, the Council has heavily subsidised the cost of providing an allotments service, however, due to the Council's current financial position and the financial challenges it faces, it can no longer afford to do so at the level it has done previously.

With effect from 1 April 2024, allotment rent charges will increase to £101.00 per plot.

The full annual fee equates to a cost of £1.94 per week and in our view, we believe that this still represents good value for those committed to growing in Bradford.

Following a review of concessionary rents, there will also be some changes to the concessions we apply, which will bring us inline with those offered by other local authorities.

At present, a concessionary rent providing a discount is available to the following groups:

  • Pensionable age
  • disability
  • unemployed
  • students
  • charities
  • allotment associations
  • site representatives

As from 1 April 2024, only the following concessions will apply:

  • pensioners in receipt of a means tested benefit (Pension Credit)
  • unemployed and in receipt of Universal Credit or legacy benefit
  • disability and in receipt of Universal Credit, ESA (enhanced or severe disability premium) or legacy benefit

This does mean that those in receipt of state pension will no longer be automatically entitled to a concession unless they are receiving a means tested benefit.

If you will be affected by this change, then please contact us via email to or telephone 01274 432247. Anyone currently in receipt of a concession due to pensionable age will be required to provide evidence that they are in receipt of a means tested benefit (Pension Credit) in order for them to retain the reduced rate from 1 April 2024.