Website maintenance

We will be doing maintenance to our website and online forms between Friday and Monday. If you have problems using our online forms, please try again later. more »

Allotment safety and security

Vandalism, theft and damage

If you believe a theft or crime has been committed on the site, report it to the Police on the non-emergency number 101. Sometimes people think that there is no point notifying the police about these issues but please do as it helps them monitor and tackle crime in the area.  In addition to notifying the police, you must report this to the Allotment Team via email to so we can take any appropriate action. 

Please inform the Police of the following:

  • Which structure has been damaged or vandalised
  • Details of the damage caused and or details of items stolen.
  • Approximate date and time of incident
  • Site location and plot number

There are some simple steps that can make your plot more secure: 

  • Make sure all your tools etc are put away out of sight; it is advisable to take tools and valuable equipment home with you 
  • Security mark all your property - put a sign warning potential thieves that your property is security marked or add identifying markers such as bright coloured markers or paint to make these easily identifiable and less desirable
  • Make sure any structures can be secured 
  • Do not to keep large quantities of flammable liquids or rubbish in your shed or plot as these can be targets for arsonists 

For further information relating to shed and garage security please see the guidance from West Yorkshire Police

Anti-social behaviour

Anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated on our allotment sites. All allotment users should be able to attend to their plot without fear and harassment.

If you experience anti-social behaviour, from another tenant or someone else on an allotment site, please report this to

Allotment tenants should also note that the Council has a zero-tolerance approach towards any incident involving abuse or harassment against our staff. All staff have the right to work in a safe environment where they are protected from abuse or harassment.  If an anti-social behaviour or third-party harassment investigation finds the allegations to be true, tenants will have their tenancy revoked.

Keeping our allotments safe

  • When entering and exiting the site, gates should be closed behind you and locked. Keys and key codes should not be shared with third parties. It is a requirement of your tenancy that you comply with site security.
  • Children and visitors are allowed on site only when accompanied by the tenant. Visitors and children must only access the tenants allocated plot for their own safety and consideration to others. Tenants are responsible for the behaviour and actions of all their visitors. If an investigation finds that a visitor has behaved in an antisocial manner towards other tenants or a member of staff, the tenant is at risk of having their tenancy revoked.
  • Dogs must be kept on a lead when entering/exiting the site and when not on your plot. Dogs must be kept under control at all times and must not be allowed to roam freely onto other plots without the other plot holder's permission.  Any dog fouling, on or off the plot, must be collected by the owner and disposed of off-site 
  • You must not access other plots without express permission from the plot holder. Also, you must not access vacant plots on the site or remove any items or crops from other plots including those that are vacant
  • No person is permitted to carry weapons.  
  • No waste (including green waste such as grass or hedge cuttings) should be brought onto the site from outside and left on the allotment. You are responsible for the removal of any items brought onto your plot once the tenancy is ended.
  • Carpets, artificial grass, tyres and asbestos are prohibited on all of our sites. Also, indoor furniture such as chairs, sofas and white goods such as fridges and freezers must not be brought onto site.