Neighbourhood planning

5. Post Examination - Regulation 18

Post Examination - Regulation 18

Following receipt of the Examiner's Report on the Steeton with Eastburn and Silsden Neighbourhood Development Plan, it was reported to City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council's Executive on 5 January 2021. The Examiner considered that the neighbourhood plan should, subject to a number of modifications, proceed to a referendum within the neighbourhood plan area.

At the Executive meeting it was resolved that the plan should amended in line with the Examiner's recommendations and that it be subject to a referendum. The Decision Statement and post-examination draft Plan and Policies Map can be viewed below:

Availability of documents

Due to the current pandemic, the specified documents will only be available online and paper copy documents will not be available in the usual deposit locations. For people who are unable access digital material and required paper versions of any of the specified document, please contact the Local Plans Team on 01274 433679 or email