Neighbourhood planning
- 01. Sport England.pdf (545 Kb)
- 02. Wakefield Council.pdf (441 Kb)
- 03. Burley and Woodhead Primary School.pdf (405 Kb)
- 04. The Courthouse Planning Consultancy.pdf (86 Kb)
- 05. Llewellyn.pdf (1 Mb)
- 06. Felstead.pdf (1 Mb)
- 07. The Coal Authority.pdf (270 Kb)
- 08. McQuillan.pdf (1 Mb)
- 09. Highways England.pdf (36 Kb)
- 10. Jones.pdf (582 Kb)
- 11. North Yorkshire County Council.pdf (274 Kb)
- 12. Kelly.pdf (549 Kb)
- 13. Natural England.pdf (999 Kb)
- 14. Turner.pdf (438 Kb)
- 15. ID Planning on behalf of Rothery.pdf (820 Kb)
- 16. ID Planning on behalf of Bannister.pdf (830 Kb)
- 17. ID Planning on behalf of Banner Investments Ltd.pdf (57 Kb)
- 17. ID Planning on behalf of Banner Investments Ltd_comments.pdf (114 Kb)
- 17. ID Planning on behalf of Banner Investments Ltd_Map.pdf (159 Kb)
- 18. Naylor.pdf (406 Kb)
- 19. Rigarlsford.pdf (430 Kb)
- 20. Wheway.pdf (3 Mb)
- 21. Davey.pdf (390 Kb)
- 22. Lockwood.pdf (487 Kb)
- 23. Lichfields on behalf of CEG.pdf (5 Mb)
- 24. Walton and Co on behalf of Mr and Mrs Wrigglesworth.pdf (7 Mb)
- 25. Schluckebier.pdf (390 Kb)
- 26. Longfield.pdf (1 Mb)
- 27. Turner.pdf (505 Kb)
- 28. Constantine.pdf (1 Mb)
- 29. Longfield.pdf (593 Kb)
- 30. Gladman Developments.pdf (150 Kb)
- 31. Naylor.pdf (1 Mb)
- 32. Stainton.pdf (433 Kb)
- 33. CBMDC matrix.pdf (68 Kb)
- 33. CBMDC_Form.pdf (139 Kb)
- 34. Otley Town Council.pdf (803 Kb)
- 35. Hoare.pdf (35 Kb)
- 36. Cartwright.pdf (1 Mb)