Website maintenance on Friday and Sunday

We will be doing maintenance to our website systems on Friday, 27 and Sunday, 29 September. more »

A guide to area action plans

The planning system affects many aspects of our lives from where we can live and work, the distance we travel to work or do our shopping, the type, style and location of the housing we live in and the leisure opportunities available to us.

What is the Local Development Framework and the role of the Area Action Plans?

Bradford Council is in the early stages of producing a new development plan for the District; this is known as the Local Development Framework (LDF) and it will over time replace the existing Replacement Unitary Development Plan. The LDF is made up of a number of individual documents that set out the Council's policies for development and use of land.

The LDF will guide future growth and development in particular housing, employment, leisure and retail for the next 10 - 20 years. It will affect everyone who lives, works and visits the district.

The Area Action Plan (AAPs) are a type of Development Plan Document focused upon a specific location or an area subject to conservation or significant change (for example major regeneration) in line with the policies within the Core Strategy.

The Area Action Plan is part of the Local Development Framework and will set out planning policies to guide development proposals, along with details of how these proposals will be delivered. It will also be used to make decisions when people apply for planning permission.

Area Action Plans are needed in order to:

  • Deliver proposed growth of the district.
  • Stimulate Regeneration.
  • Protect built heritage whilst accommodating new development.
  • Ensure developments are of appropriate scale, mix and quality.

Bradford Council is preparing AAPs in support of two key regeneration priorities within the District, Bradford City Centre and Shipley and Canal Road Corridor.

The Council has to go through a number of stages to prepare the Area Action Plans. Stage 1 to Stage 3 will be subject to public consultation. These are:

  1. Publication of Issues and Options, which seek the views of stakeholders on issues and options for the future development of the area which will inform the Preferred Options stage.
  2. Publication of 'Preferred Options': As the name suggests, the 'Preferred Options' document will set out the Council's preferred way forward for the area.
  3. Following consideration of responses to this consultation, we will prepare the 'Submission Document'. This will be submitted to the Secretary of State.
  4. The fourth stage is the independent 'Examination' of the submitted document. The purpose of this is to consider the soundness of the AAP and representations. A Planning Inspector will be appointed by the Secretary of State to conduct the examination.
  5. The Planning Inspector will produce a binding report that sets out the final version of the AAP. This will then be 'adopted' by the Council and incorporated in the Local Development Framework.

How to become involved

The Council has commenced work on the Bradford City Centre Area Action Plan Issues & Options Report.

The Council welcomes your views and comments and will take these into account when producing the Area Action Plans.

You can view relevant documents associated with the production of the Area Action Plans as well as the other LDF documents on the Council's website or in the Council's Planning Offices at:

  • Britannia House, Bradford, and the Town Halls at Ilkley, Keighley and Shipley.
  • or in the main libraries at Shipley, Bingley, Keighley and Bradford Central Library.
  • or telephone the team on 01274 432253 for a copy.