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Saltaire World Heritage Site Management Plan

Saltaire - canal, United Reformed Church and mill copyright Drones on Demand Ltd

Photo copyright Drones on Demand Ltd

World heritage status is intended to ensure that each generation hands on to the next these internationally important sites in at least as good condition as they inherit them. The UK approach to managing world heritage sites is to ensure that they have a management plan in place. Management plans aim to resolve potential conflicts between competing uses and pressures and as far as possible achieve a consensus about the future of the site.

Saltaire’s Management Plan was completely revised in 2014 following extensive public consultation. Further details about the consultation can be found on this page.

The new Plan was approved by Bradford Council’s Executive Committee on 2 December 2014 and can be found by following the link on this page. The Plan will be published in Spring 2015 and this text version will have a preface and visual materials added to it as part of that process. Web links within the document will also be simplified.