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Flood resilience for Listed Buildings or properties in Conservation Areas

The protection conveyed on buildings protected as listed by the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 extends to all parts of the building, inside and out, and any structures within and including its boundaries.

We would aim to work closely with professionals and property owners to achieve repairs and re-occupation as soon as practical, whilst ensuring the building is treated sympathetically and within legislative controls.

During repairs, the expectation would be for the retention of any features, internal or external, that contribute to the importance of the listed building, and the use of materials and details which are compatible with and maintain the significance of the building. To assist in the progression of repairs as swiftly as possible, we would encourage early contact from property owners, surveyors or insurers with the Conservation Officers who will assess repair proposals and probably arrange to visit the affected property.

If property owners are considering flood resilience measures to protect against future incidents, our preference would be for measures which do not result in removal of or alteration to the fabric of the listed building. Permanent installations or alterations to buildings would most likely require applications for Listed Building Consent to the Planning Service, with resultant time impacts. Light-touch or removable measures are more likely to be supported, but each case is expected to be different and will be assessed individually. To evaluate the most appropriate measures, we would again encourage early contact from property owners considering flood resilience, to advise on suitability of what is proposed. 

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