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Safety Advisory Group (SAG)

The Safety Advisory Group

The Safety Advisory Group (SAG) is co-ordinated and chaired by the Council and made up of representatives from the local authority such as Environmental Health, Licensing, Emergency Planning, Highways and external partners from the Emergency Services (Police, Fire and Ambulance) and Transport Authorities. The SAG is a professional group for exchanging thinking and guidance on public safety and other significant matters relating to events. Where the SAG is given reasonable opportunity, the group (where appropriate) can review event organisers' plans and offer comments, observations, suggestions and practical advice.

Why SAG do need to know about my event?

SAG request that event organisers notify SAG of any reasonable sized events for inclusion in the SAG events diary. This provides an overview of what events are happening throughout the district. Below are some other reasons why the SAG want to know about events:

  • To get an overall picture of what, when and where events are taking place across the district
  • To understand the type of events that are taking place. This helps inform SAG partners to plan resources based on:
    • Audience/spectator profile and predicted behaviours
    • Numbers attending
    • Methods of travel
    • Predicted arrival, assembly and dispersal
  • Venue suitability and safety
  • To advise event organisers of any planned works that might affect their event, for example roadworks
  • To ensure the correct level of consultation has been carried out
  • To inform transport and travel companies of any potential impact
  • To ensure legal requirements are being met, for example licensing
  • To establish who is in charge
  • To seek assurance that events are safe

Does the Safety Advisory Group consider all events?

As a guide collectively the SAG will only consider the plans for events of a significant size and nature, which occur or impact on Bradford Council land or highway.  Where given the opportunity events may be considered pre application, following the submission of a complete application and after the event where anything of significance has occurred.  Lower risk events are unlikely to need consideration by SAG. The group will advise the event organiser about significant matters that they think need further attention, explaining their reasons.

SAG also considers and discusses matters which extend beyond safety and the boundaries of the event site to including the impact on local transport and the highway network.

When does SAG meet?

The group meets for specific events of a significant size and / or complexity or that impact on the community. Irrespective of whether an event organiser is invited to attend a meeting there are benefits to be gained from engaging in the process. For larger scale events it is likely that the event organiser will be asked to attend a meeting with SAG partners to present their event proposals.

What if my event plans aren’t accepted?

Occasionally, where plans have been considered and SAG do not have the assurances that the event can be managed safely, the event organiser will be asked to address and mitigate any concerns and resubmit their plans. If assurances are still not met the organiser and the land owner will be informed of the issues and the land owner advised to reconsider granting permission for the event to go ahead.

When should I notify SAG?

It is good practice to notify SAG 6 months in advance and longer in the case of complex or very large events. In all cases you should give as much notice as possible of your event by completing the online Event Notification Form.

SAG Event Notification Form

For the submission of supporting event documentation please see the timescales below:

  • 6 Weeks - ‘Smaller Events’
  • 12 Weeks - ‘Larger Events’

An example of a small event with no road closures (for example, school fete, charity collections etc).

An example of a large event (open air concerts, music festivals, firework displays/galas and any event involving road closures. This applies no matter how many attending or if you need a licence for your event.

These guidelines must be followed as good practice. Otherwise, you run the risk of SAG not being able to support your event.

Where should I send my supporting event documentation?

Once you have submitted your event notification form you should, as a minimum requirement, email the following documents to:

Smaller scale events

  • Risk Assessment
  • Evidence of public liability insurance
  • Yorkshire Ambulance medical assessment form

Larger scale events

  • Risk Assessment
  • Evidence of Public liability insurance
  • Yorkshire Ambulance Service medical assessment form
  • Detailed Site Plan
  • Event Management Plan
  • Traffic Management Plan (where applicable)
  • Event Security Plan (see the page on Event Security Planning)

What should I expect if I am asked to attend a meeting with SAG?

The Event Notification Form submitted to SAG only provides a brief outline of the event. Event organisers are invited to attend SAG because partners of the group want more, in depth, information about the event. The aim of the meeting is for the event organiser to provide SAG with relevant and appropriate information so that partners of the group have an assurance from the organiser that the event will be safe, appropriately managed and that all considerations have been taken into account.

It is recommended that event organisers fully prepare in advance of this meeting as organisers will be required to present detailed event proposals to SAG.

Organisers are likely to be asked questions by partners particularly on areas of any interest or concern.

Depending on the nature of the event, some points that event organisers will need to address include, but are not limited to:

  • The four licensing objectives - The prevention of crime and disorder; Public safety; The prevention of public nuisance; and The protection of children from harm
  • Welfare and safeguarding arrangements. How and who will deal with welfare incidents, which could range between lost children or vulnerable adults, young people arriving under influence of drink or drugs, to phones being lost or run out of charge, to losing bus fare home, to being touched by another person etc.
  • Risk assessment. To consider analysis of attendee demographic and risks of people's behaviour and how this will be managed in terms of movement, excitement, conflict etc. and also the wider community impacts of movements of large numbers of people, for example arrival and dispersal. All hazards associated with effects of adverse weather, waste management of the site and surrounding areas, alcohol consumption, potential to deal with numbers attending in excess of capacity that don't have tickets, anti-social behaviour, public disorder, throwing bottles pr cans, control of flammable liquids and gases, flares, communications messages, security of revenue from ticket office, bars etc.
  • Plans for partial and full evacuation of the site.
  • Compliance with Martyn’s Law. For example, Counter Terrorism training, Staff vigilance and training, mitigation of hostile vehicles.*
  • Traffic Management. Traffic Management and transportation plan including on site vehicle management, vehicle parking, Park and Ride (if applicable), Taxi pick up and drop off points.
  • Crowd Management. Stewarding and Security including number of personnel and accreditation. Admissions policy including prohibited items, Search policy, Drugs Policy, Ejection policy, Queue management, Signage.
  • Event Command Structure. Details of command and control structure. Communication systems, Contingency plans.
  • Consultation. Details of what communication you've undertaken, for example residents and local businesses etc.
  • Food and drink. Challenge 25, Registered food vendors/ caterers/ stall holders attending, Food hygiene certification, Gas and Fire Safety
  • Risk Assessments & Method Statements (RAMS) and Insurance. Contractor RAMS, Event Public Liability Insurance, Contractor Public Liability Insurance, Stall holder Public Liability Insurance, Amusement Device Inspection Procedures Scheme (ADIPS) compliance (funfair rides), Market licence.

* Martyn’s Law is pending UK wide legislation that will place a requirement on those responsible for certain publicly accessible locations to consider the threat from terrorism and implement appropriate and proportionate mitigation measures.

What happens after a SAG meeting?

After a SAG meeting you will be sent a copy of the minutes relevant to your event. A member of SAG may also contact you to discuss matters in further detail and give advice. Depending on the size and nature of the event you may also be invited back to SAG at a later date for a debrief of your event.

What happens if I don't provide the necessary assurances to SAG?

Occasionally, where plans have been considered and SAG do not have the assurances that the event can be managed appropriately, the event organiser will be asked to address and mitigate any concerns and resubmit their plans. This is why it is important to submit supporting documentation well ahead of the event allowing organisers to remedy any concerns that may need to be addressed.

If all outstanding issues are addressed in the resubmitted plans, the SAG Chairperson will liaise with the landowner to let them know that concerns have been addressed. If assurances have not been met and there is still a deficiency in the event plans, the SAG Chairperson will liaise with the landowner to inform them of any outstanding matters and concerns. In cases where there are significant outstanding concerns and / or deficiencies in the event plans the organiser and the landowner will be informed of the issues by the SAG Chairperson and the landowner will be advised to reconsider granting permission for the event to go ahead.

Will I get permission by SAG for the event to go ahead?

No. SAG’s are non-statutory bodies and so do not have legal powers or responsibilities and are not empowered to ‘rubber stamp’ event plans or approve or prohibit events from taking place.

Event organisers and others involved in the running of an event, retain the principal legal duties for ensuring public safety and members of SAG will not accept or adopt any responsibilities of the organiser.

Permission for events to go ahead remains with the landowner or responsible department with whom the booking has been made.

What if I have any further questions?

If you have any further questions email