Workforce Development cancellation policy
This policy sets out Bradford Council’s cancellation policy for all training courses and qualifications that are accessed via the Workforce Development Service.
The policy is divided into six sections:
- Cancellation policy for chargeable training courses.
- Non-attendance policy for free training courses.
- Cancellation policy for qualifications.
- Policy regarding cancellation of courses.
- Adverse weather conditions policy.
- Coronavirus information
- Cancellation policy for BSCB courses
Section 1 - Training courses
1.1 Cancellation fees
Please be aware that where course fees are applied, cancellation charges will be processed for all non-attendance as detailed in the table below:
Length of Notice for Cancellation | Charges applied |
Over 2 weeks (15 days or more) notice | Full refund |
Up to 2 weeks (14 days) notice | No refund |
Non attendance | No refund |
1.2 How do I cancel a place on a course?
You must notify us in writing if you wish to cancel a course place, you can do this:
- Via email -,
- By post - Workforce Development Service, 1st Floor, Britannia House, Bradford, BD1 1HX
Cancellation notice will be accepted from the date that it is received.
If you cancel your place with less than 14 days notice, the charge will be applied.
If your manager has another member of staff who can take up your place on the course/event, then he/she must contact the team via and advise them of the changes. An application form must be completed for the new person. If this is possible, then no cancellation fee will be imposed.
If a delegate arrives late for a course or is absent from any session, we reserve the right to refuse access to the training session if we feel they will gain insufficient knowledge or skills in the time remaining. In all such cases, the full course fee remain payable.
Section 2 - Non attendance policy for free to access training courses
2.1 Non-attendance charges - External Learners
Whilst some course places may be offered for free, there is still a cost to the Council for the provision of these courses. Where course places are free, charges will be processed for all non-attendance as detailed in the table below:
Length of course | Charges applied |
Half day course | £25 |
Full day course | £50 |
2.2 Non-attendance charges - Bradford Council Staff
see section 7 for BSCB Courses
Whilst course places are offered to internal staff for free, there is still a cost to the Council for the provision of these courses. Applicants who do not turn up or do not inform us with sufficient notice that they are unable to attend may be refused access to courses in future.
2.3 How do I cancel a place on a course?
You must notify us in writing if you wish to cancel a course place. You can do this:
- via email -
- Via your evolve profile Me tab>select course>select course>at the side of ‘view summary’ using the drop down arrow>select ‘cancel course’
- Your manager is also able to cancel your place via evolve from their ‘My Team’ area
Cancellation notice will be accepted from the date that it is received.
If your manager has another member of staff who can take up your place on the course/event, then he/she must contact the team via and advise them of the changes. If this is possible, then no charge will be imposed.
If a delegate arrives late for a course or is absent from any session, we reserve the right to refuse access to the training session if we feel they will gain insufficient knowledge or skills in the time remaining. In all such cases, the full charge remains payable.
Section 3 - Cancellation policy for qualifications
Applicants who are successful in achieving a place on a qualification may be required to sign a learning agreement that will specify payback periods for non-completion, and retention periods for internal employees. You should discuss this with the Learning and Development Academy at the point that you are offered a place.
Section 4 - Policy regarding cancellation of courses
We work hard to keep costs low for our customers. To help us do this, we require minimum numbers on courses to be met. Where minimum numbers have not been met, we reserve the right to cancel/postpone courses. A general assumption is that we will postpone a course if it does not meet 75% capacity a week before the course is due to run. However this will be at the discretion of the Workforce Development management team. Where courses are cancelled and you have paid to attend, we will issue a full refund. You will be given the opportunity to book another course place where this is possible.
Section 5 - Adverse weather conditions
During adverse weather conditions we know it can sometimes be difficult for trainers and participants to get to training courses. During adverse weather conditions the Workforce Development Service regularly check for weather and traffic updates. If the weather forecast indicates that trainers or participants will have difficulty either getting to the venue or getting home again, we will make a decision whether to cancel the course, or amend start/finish times. Should the course be cancelled by us we will issue refunds or reschedule the course.
When courses are running at the weekend it can be difficult to predict changes in the weather, if there is a risk of heavy snow (or other adverse weather conditions) but this is not confirmed, the Workforce Development Service will ensure that participants can be contacted on the morning of the training course to advise if courses have been cancelled.
If the course runs, but you choose not to attend because of the weather, this will be your own responsibility and you will be charged for non-attendance.
Section 6 - Coronavirus
If you have any symptoms of coronavirus you must not attend any face to face training courses.
*If you are unable to attend a face to face training event, due to experiencing Coronavirus symptoms, or, you have been advised you must self-isolate, please inform us of this via email to as soon as possible. In these circumstances, you will not be charged any fee for non-attendance or cancellation, providing you have informed us, prior to the course start date and time.
For further information, advice and guidance visit:
Section 7 - Bradford Safeguarding Children's Board Non Attendance or Cancellation Charging Policy
Why is this charge being introduced and when will it be applied?
The demand for places on training courses is high and we want to make sure every place booked is a place used.
We incur costs in order to provide courses and need to be assured that we are spending our budget wisely.
A cancellation charge will be applied for all places unless:
- Notice of the need to cancel the place has been received on Evolve or by the BSCB Training Administrator [by email or telephone] at least 5 working days prior for ½ and 1 day courses or at least 10 working days prior for 2 day courses.
- You or your agency have identified a suitable substitute to attend in your place.
An appeal for exceptional circumstances will be considered by the BSCB Manager.
Will all organisations be liable to the charge?
Subject to the conditions outlined above, all agencies will be charged for cancellation/non-attendance on BSCB multi-agency training courses.
What is the charge and how will it be collected?
The charge is:
- £50 for half day or one day courses
- £100 for two day courses
The training course application form requests invoicing details which will be used when a charge is incurred. For council staff, the charge is taken out of the team financial code listed for the attendee on the system.
All applicants should have discussed their booking and the potential financial implications of this with their line manager prior to booking on a course.
If I am unable to attend a training course how do I cancel my place?
To cancel a place on a training course you can log into your account on Evolve and select the option to cancel your course place. Alternatively you can contact the BSCB Training Administrator by telephone or email.
Please cancel the place as soon as possible and at least 5 working days for a half or full day course or 10 working days for a two day course to avoid cancellation charges to avoid incurring a charge.
Telephone: 01274 432912 or 01274 437979