Social, Communication, Interaction and Learning (SCIL) Team

Who are the Social, Communication, Interaction and Learning (SCIL) Team?

We are Specialist Teachers and Practitioners (supporting schools), Access and Inclusion Officers (supporting private, voluntary and independent (PVI) (birth to 5 years settings) Business Support Officers and the Children’s Community Support Team (CCST) (supporting families within the home).

We offer specialisms in four key areas:

  • Early Years,
  • Communication and Interaction (including autism),
  • Learning Support (Cognition and Learning) and,
  • Social Emotional and Mental Health.

What do the SCIL Team offer?

Our offer focuses on equipping mainstream schools and settings to identify and effectively support children and young people with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) through high quality teaching, reasonable adjustments and additional provision.

We achieve this by working alongside key staff in schools and settings to:

  • share our specialist knowledge, skills and experience,
  • develop inclusive practice of staff in schools and settings and,
  • support the graduated approach.

How can the SCIL Team be accessed?

Requests for SEND Specialist Support are made directly by schools and settings and a link teacher or officer is allocated. With parent and or carer consent, schools and settings can discuss children or young people with their link with who they feel require specialist support.

Is there a cost for the Team?

SEND Specialist Support and advice around a child or young person has no additional costs.

Some training work is chargeable.

Further information

If you are a parent, further information can be found at:

If you are a professional, further information can be found at: