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How does the data-driven decision making theme support district plan outcomes?

Children have the best start in life

The whole systems approach to service planning and delivery fuelled by data insight will strengthen local planning towards a resilient, healthy, and thriving district.

Residents achieve good health and wellbeing

The whole systems approach to service planning and delivery fuelled by data insight, utilising the wealth of health and wellbeing data we have in our research programmes outlined above will strengthen local planning towards a resilient, healthy, and thriving district.

Sustainable economic growth and decent work for all

Bradford being recognised leader of Citizen Science and a global centre for research will attract inward investment and talent.

Safe, sustainable and inclusive communities

The digital twin application will provide a 3D model of the district, and will have a profound impact on a number of fields, from local architecture and urban development to healthcare and manufacturing and ensure we develop inclusive solutions.

Action at all levels to address climate and environmental change

The digital twin application will allow planners to assess the environmental impact of programmes and new build solutions whilst the whole systems approach to service planning and delivery fuelled by data insight will contribute towards a more sustainable district.